Marketing Research


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·       Market Research is the systematic

o   Gathering

o   Recording

o   & Analyzing of data about the problems relating to the marketing of goods & services

·       It gives you the data you need to select, identify & reach your target market at a price that is affordable by customers


Need & Purpose of Marketing Research

·       Need

o   To undertake marketing effectively

o   Technology changes

o   Changes in customer taste

o   Market demand

o   Varieties of products of competitors

o   Economic conditions change

o   Distribution channels

·       Purpose

o   To gain a more understanding of consumers need

o   To reduce the risk of product failure

o   To forecast the future trends

o   To achieve commercial success

o   To anticipate future customer needs


Marketing Research Types & Methods

·       Types

o   Ad Tracking

o   Advertising Research

o   Brand equity

o   Brand name testing

o   Commercial eye tracking

o   Concept testing

o   Cool-hunting

o   Buyer decision making process

o   Customer satisfaction research

o   Marketing effectiveness

o   Positioning research

o   Price elasticity testing

·       Methods

o   Questionnaire based

o   Observation based


Classification, Process & Role of Marketing Research

·       Classification

o   Problem Identification Research

§  Market Potential Research

§  Market Share Research

§  Market Characteristics

§  Sales Analysis Research

§  Forecasting Research

§  Business Trends Research

o   Problem Solving Research

§  Segmentation Research

§  Product Research

§  Pricing Research

§  Promotion Research

§  Distribution Research

·       Process

o   Define the problem

o   Develop an approach

o   Formulating a research design

o   Collect data

o   Prepare, filter & analyze the data

o   Present the report

·       Role


Video Description

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