Marketing Evaluation & Control


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·       Marketing E&C have the performance standards against which the company measures its

o   Marketing Plan

o   Company Performance

·       It also gives information on what action should be taken if the objectives & marketing goals are not met

·       It involves the analysis of marketing plan by

o   Planning

§  Develop strategic plans

§  Develop marketing plans

o   Implementation

§  Carry out the plans

o   Control

§  Measure results

§  Evaluate results

§  Take corrective action


Steps in the Control Process

·     Goal setting

·     Performance measurement

·     Performance diagnosis

·     Corrective action


Methods of Marketing Control

·       Annual Plan Control

o   Analysis of sales

o   Analysis of market share

o   Analysis of market expenses to sales

o   Financial Analysis

o   Analysis of customer & shareholder attitude

·       Profitability Control

o   Companies should measure the profitability of their

§  Products

§  Customer groups

§  Segments

§  Trade Channels

§  Order size

o   It helps to determine whether to

§  Expand

§  Reduce

§  Eliminate any products or marketing activities

·       Efficiency Control

o   Sales force efficiency control

o   Advertising efficiency control

o   Sales promotion efficiency control

o   Distribution efficiency control

o   Marketing research efficiency control

·       Strategic Control

o   The marketing effectiveness review

o   The marketing audit

o   The marketing excellence review

o   The ethical & social responsibility review


Marketing Control Techniques

·       Competitor Analysis

·       Customer Analysis

·       Testing Research

·       Customer feedback

·       Cost analysis


Evaluation & its Ways

·       Evaluation is a process in which various techniques are used to

o   Analyze the success of marketing objectives

o   To more broadly assess the entire organization’s marketing efforts

·       Ways to evaluate marketing efforts

o   Return on Investment (ROI)

§  Sales number

§  Customer response

§  Expansion

o   Partner Response

o   Sales People

o   Competitor Response


Video Description

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