Introduction to Marketing Management


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·       Market is a place where sellers & buyers buys & sales from producer

·       Marketing is a system that is designed to

o   Plan

o   Promote

o   & distribute the goods & services to the target market

·       Marketing Management is an art of planning & executing the

o   Conception

o   Pricing

o   Promotion

o   Distribution of ideas, goods & services to create exchange


Needs, Wants, Demands, Sales & Marketing

·       Needs

o   State of felt deprivation including

§  Physical (Food, Clothing, Shelter & Safety)

§  Social (Belonging & Affection)

§  Individual (Learning knowledge & Self expression)

·       Want

o   Form that a human need takes, as shaped by culture and individual personality

·       Demand

o   = Wants + Buying Power

·       Sales

o   Trying to get the customer to want what the computer produces

·       Marketing

o   Trying or get the company produce what the customer wants


Nature, Role & Importance of Marketing

·       Nature

o   Consumer oriented process

o   Start & ends with customer

o   Guiding element of business

o   It is a system

o   A goal oriented process

o   A process of exchange

o   It is a continuous process

·       Role

o   Specialization in activities of comparative advantage

o   Enhanced resource use efficiency

o   Advances in marketing with economic growth

·       Importance

o   Essential for the survival & growth of the organization

o   To satisfy their economic & social needs

o   Raise their standard of living

o   Effective & productive utilization of resources

o   Provides the guidance for the innovative technology


Concepts, Functions and 4P&Cs of Marketing

·       Concepts

o   The production concept (Consumer will favor products that are available & highly affordable)

o   The product concept (Consumer will favor products that offers the quality, performance & features)

o   The selling concept (Product will not be sell without large scale selling & promotion*

o   The marketing concept (determine need & wants of the target marketing)

o   The social marketing concept (determine needs, wants & interests of the target market)

·       Functions

o   Selling

o   Buying

o   Transportation

o   Storage

o   Standardization

o   Grading

o   Financing

o   Risk taking

o   Market information

·       4Ps

o   Product

o   Price

o   Place

o   Promotion

·       4Cs

o   Customer value

o   Cost

o   Convenience

o   Communication


Video Description

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