Financial Market


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·       A market for Sale & Purchase of

o   Stocks

o   Bonds

o   Bill of exchange

o   Commodities

o   & Foreign currency which works as a liquid assets

·       Financial market classified into two categories

o   Money market

o   Capital market


Money Market

·       Definition

o   A mechanism that deals with the lending of short term funds (less than one year)

o   A part of market under which financial instrument having high liquidity & very short maturities are traded

·       Features

o   Constituents of money market

o   Heterogeneous market

o   Dealers of money market

o   Short term money loans

o   Different from capital market

o   Association with big cities

o   Change with place & time

·       Characteristics

o   Existence of central bank

o   Organized commercial banking system

o   Sub-market existence

o   Integrated money market structure

o   Proper credit instruments availability

o   Elasticity & adequacy of funds

o   International attraction

o   Interest rates uniformity

o   Stability of prices

o   High developed industrial system

·       Importance

o   Financing industry

o   Financing trade

o   Self sufficiency of banks

o   Effective monetary policy

o   Economic growth

o   Help to government

o   Allocation of resources

·       Instruments

o   Treasury bills

o   Commercial bills

o   Money at call

o   Promissory notes

o   Mutual funds


Capital Market

·       Definition

o   A market where Bonds & Equities are traded

o   Role of this market is to make investment from investors having surplus funds to the ones who are running a deficit

o   It offers both long & overnight funds

·       Instruments

o   Equity

o   Insurance

o   Foreign exchange

o   Hybrid

·       Nature

o   Has two segments (Primary & Secondary)

o   Deals with long term securities

o   Performs trade-off function

o   Create dispersion in ownership

o   Helps in capital formation

o   Helps to create liquidity

·       Types

o   Primary (Shares & debentures are sold to collect long term capital)

o   Secondary (Buying & Selling of the previously issued securities is done)

·       Features

o   Creates liquidity

o   Comes after primary market

o   Has a particular place

o   Encouragement of new investments


Video Description

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