Departmental Performance Report


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·       If anyone needs to see or show that how a business is doing or performing will have to look at a picture of a company

·       Performance report is a something that will show them the financial and non-financial performance of a company

·       A proper written performance report pinpoint the areas that require improvement and also help in the decision making



·     A document that a company creates to define and measure its all over success

·     Gives an overview of how the business is performing

·     Collects specific data & information to start the analysis and making a decision

·     Performance report help to concentrate on the

o   A specific project

o   A specific employee

o   Entire business itself


Elements & Example

·       Elements

o   Goals & objectives of a company

o   Vision for the next five years

o   Key performance indicators

o   Frequency of KPIs measurement

o   Source of the data

·       Example

o   Status reports

o   Progress reports

o   Trend reports

o   Variance reports

o   Forecasting reports


Reasons to Create Performance Reports

·       Benchmarking

·       Monitors the workforce

·       Prepare external reports

·       Enhance business performance

·       Improves communication


Steps to Create a Performance Report

·       Keep the audience in mind

·       Define mission and objectives

·       Starts with an executive summary

·       Provide the performance assessment

·       Include visual elements

·       Proofread


Video Description

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