Cost Containment


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·       Process of controlling the expenses required to operate an organization or to perform a project within a limited budget

·       It is an important management function that keep costs down to only necessary expenses in order to satisfy financial targets

·       It also refers to a business practice of maintaining expense level to prevent unnecessary spending


Importance & Target of Cost Containment

·     Importance

o   Reduce avoidable, ineffective & duplicate use of services

o   Pay appropriately for health care services and encourage adoption of innovative models of healthcare delivery

o   Ensure accurate pricing of services

o   Reduce administrative costs

o   Reduce costs from medical malpractice

·     Target

o   High healthcare system administrative costs

o   Inefficient & Uncoordinated care

o   Lack of financial incentives

o   Low quality

o   Low cost providers

Strategy & Methods Cost containment

·       Strategy

o   Promote use of common electronic or paper forms

o   Improve efficiency of provider insurer transactions in TPA

o   Instant access to a patient insurance coverage information

o   Standardize medical management policies

o   Streamline government regulations & compliance requirements

·       Methods

o   Diagnostic related groups

o   Combination of services

o   Outpatient services

o   Mass or bulk purchasing

o   Early intervention & preventative services


Essentials, Steps & Challenges of Cost Containments

·       Essentials

o   Rising material cost

o   Increment for staff

o   Quality

o   Accreditation

o   Reduction of income

o   Poor reimbursement rates

·       Steps

o   Experience

o   Functional Knowledge

o   Strong project management

o   Correct business analysis skills

o   Effectively manage the change

·       Challenges

o   Containing spend & reducing costs are the highest priorities

o   Accomplish this containment & reduction with less help

o   Achieve results without poor in quality

o   Targets need to be achieved in a timely manner


Video Description

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