Wage fixation


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·       Wage Fixation is a process of fixing minimum wages of a worker under section 3 of the minimum wages act 1948 for

o   Different classes of work

o   Different schedule employment

o   Different localities

o   Different age groups

·       The process of wage fixation is done on the basis of

o   Working hours

o   Working days

o   Working weeks


Introduction to the important sections of Minimum Wages Act 1948

·       Section 1 (Short title and extent)

o   The title of this act is Minimum Wages Act 1948

o   It is extended to the whole India

·       Section 2 (Interpretation/Definition)

o   Adult (completed his 18 years of age)

o   Adolescent (completed his 15 years of age but not 18years)

o   Child (nor completed his 15years of age)

o   Appropriate governments (Central & States government across India)

o   Employer (who employs one or more employees in employment)

o   Wages (remuneration expressed in terms of money)

o   Employee (Employed for hire or reward)

·       Section 3 (Fixing of minimum rate of wages)

o   Minimum rate of wages will be reviewed after every 5 years

o   Government can add any employment, wherein 1000 or more employees are working

o   Different minimum rates of wages can be fixed for different categories of work

·       Section 4 (Minimum rate of wages)

o   Basic + Special Allowance

o   Basic + Cash Value

o   Basic + Cost of living allowances + Cash Value

·       Section 5 (Procedure for the fixation & revision of minimum wages)

o   Recommendation of Advisory Board for different classes like

§  Unskilled

§  Skilled

§  Clerk

§  Supervisor

o   Publish recommendations in the National Publication

o   Hearing of the representatives

o   Notification of minimum wages

·       Section 12 (Payment of minimum rate of wages)

o   Shall be paid in cash

o   Either wholly or partly in kind

o   Paid without any deductions other than statutory

o   Payment of wages less than the minimum wages would be considered as illegal


Methods of Wage Fixation

·       Time Rate System

o   Wages = (Number of working days) * (Rate per day)

o   Wages = (Number of working hours) * (Rate per hour)

·       Piece Rate System

o   Wages = (Number of unit produced) * (Rate per unit)


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