Vital statistics


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·       These are the numerical records of Vital events such as

o   Birth

o   Death

o   Marriage

o   Divorce

·       These records helps to study the health & growth of a community


Significance of Vital Statistics

·       Community health

o   To describe the health level of a community

o   To diagnose the illness in a community

o   To discover the solution for health problems

·       Administrative purpose

o   Give clues to choose the best administrative action

o   Helps to create administrative standards of health activities

·       Health programmed organization

o   Determine the success or failure of a health Programme

o   Undertake overall evaluation of public health work

·       Legislation purpose

o   To promote health legislation at

§  Local level

§  State level

§  National level

·       Government purpose

o   To develop policies & procedures at state & central level.


Uses of Vital Statistics

·       To calculate the impact of various national health Programme

·       To plan for better future measures for any disease control

·       To explain the hereditary nature of a disease

·       To plan the socioeconomic development

·       Act as a primary tool in research activities

·       To compare the health status of a nation with other one


Recording of Vital Statistics

·       Civil Registration System

o   It is performed under a Law & Regulation

o   It provides legal basis to the records & certificates made for a system

o   It can be defined as the permanent & compulsory recording of the occurrence of

§  Births & deaths

§  Fetal deaths

§  Judicial separation

§  Marriages

§  Adoptions

·       National Sample Surveys

o   It has been headed by the Director General of health and lead by the NSSO

o   It is mainly used to collect the data of

§  Land

§  Property ownership

§  Number of family members

o   It has four major divisions


§  FOD

§  DPD

§  SCD

·       Sample Registration System

o   Continuous enumeration of births & deaths

o   Generally conducted in a sample of village or urban block

o   Conducted by a local resident on part time basis

o   After that an independent 6 month retrospective survey by a full time supervisor

·       Health Surveys

o   NFHS (National Family Health Surveys)

§  Estimate the fertility

§  Estimate the child mortality

§  Estimate health parameters

o   DLHS (District Level Household Surveys)

§  Give information on Child health indicators

§  Give information on Reproductive health problems


Important Vital Statistics

·       Crude death rate

·       Age specific death rate

·       Infant mortality rate

·       Neonatal mortality rate

·       Maternal mortality rate


Impact of Vital Events on Demography

·       The vital events have become an important resources of demographic data

·       A small change in the rate of vital event can drastically effect out a demographic study

·       Demographic study includes the study of a population in a specific area, but if that specific area suffers with any vital event with a higher rate such as

o   Higher Migration

o   High Birth rate

o   High Death rate

            Will result in the change of size & structure of the demographic area that was under the study


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