Trade Union Act 1926


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·       According to the Trade Union Act 1926, the trade union is temporary or permanent combination of

o   Worker & Worker

o   Worker & Employer

o   Employer & Employer

·       It could include federation of two or more unions

·       It is formed with a vision & view to protect and promote the interest of workers and to improve the conditions of employment


Principles & Objectives of TU

·       Principles

o   Strength is in unity

o   Equal pay for equal work

o   Service/job security

·       Objectives

o   To get permanent job with a good salary & benefits

o   To resist the illegal actions of the management

o   To secure & maintain the power

o   To get a sense of participation

o   To minimize the discrimination


Functions of TU

·       Militant Functions

o   Helps to ensure the

§  Adequate wages

§  Better working conditions

§  Kind treatment of workers

o   Increase the status of workers as a part of an organization

o   Reduce victimization and injustice

·       Fraternal Functions

o   Gives financial & non financial support to the workers

o   Extension of medical facilities during sickness & casualties

o   Education & housing facilities provision

o   Religious & social benefits

o   Sincerity & discipline encouragement among workers

o   Promotion & growth opportunities

·       Social Functions

o   Social service activities

o   Educating the customers

o   Awareness among society

·       Political Functions

o   Affiliating a union with a political party

o   Collecting donations

o   Election campaigning

o   Take help of politicians during strike & lockouts

·       Ancillary Functions

o   Communication

o   Organize training activities

o   Acquirement of house sites

o   News letter publications

o   Welfare activities

o   Education & Research


Trade Union Types

·       Reformist Unions (Aims to preserve the capitalist economy & competitive production)

o   Business Unions (protect the workers interest by collective bargaining, arbitration & conciliation)

o   Uplift Unions (focused on education, health insurance and other benefits)

·       Revolutionary Unions (Aims to replace the present system, destroying the capitalistic system and installing communistic system)

o   Political Unions (gain power through political actions)

o   Anarchist Unions (destroy the existing economic system by means of revolution)

·       Craft Unions (having workers of a same category, Kanpur Suti Mill Mazdoor Sabha)

·       General Unions (having all type of workers, Jamshedpur Labor Union)

·       Industrial Unions (having workers of different industries, Textile Labor Association of Ahmedabad )

·       Federations (having a collection of different industries at a single platform, Federation of Indian Railways)


Limitations of TU

·       Uneven growth

·       Limited membership

·       Multiplicity of unions

·       Outside leadership

·       Finance issues

·       Indifferent attitudes of workers


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