Security Service


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·       Security refers to the quality or state of being secure

·       In hospitals security system is must because

o   Hospital is a intensive place

o   Hospital gives services to sick peoples round the clock

o   Everyone has an access for advise and treatment in the hospital

o   Hospital environment is filled with

§  Emotions

§  Excitement

§  Happiness

§  Death

§  Sorrow

o   The staff of a hospital operates in a tense atmosphere resulting in

§  Irritation

§  Conformation

§  Conflicts

§  Aggression

§  Threatening life of hospital staff

o   Hospital uses

§  Costly equipments

§  Fixtures

§  Machines

o   For patient, attendant and their property is the moral duty of the hospital


Objectives of Security for

·       Hospital Buildings

·       Hospital Fixtures

·       Hospital Property

·       Patient Visitors

·       Hospital Staff


Deployment of Security Men

·       Deployment Areas

o   At the Entrance

o   At the Exit gate

o   At sensitive points like

§  OPD

§  Emergency

§  Admin Area

§  Parking

o   Also have a Patrolling team

·       Security services is usually outsourced to the company which has

o   Well trained security persons

o   Efficient Manpower

o   Dedicated team

·       Along with security guards, other systems needs to be introduced like

o   Use of attendant pass

o   Use of identity Card for staff

o   Use of metal detectors

o   Dedicated luggage room for patients


Security Committee

·       Members

o   Medical Superintendent

o   CMO I/c Security

o   Nodal Safety Officer

o   CPWD Representative

o   Nursing Superintendent

o   Security Supervisor

o   Departmental Heads

o   Admin

·       Functions

o   To meet once a month for review of security system

o   Make policy and guidelines

o   Selection of Security agency

o   Signing of contract with the agency

o   Carrying out the security audits

o   Checking out the Bio data and police verification of security men’s


Electronic Security System

·       CCTV

·       Access Control Devices

·       Intrusion Detection Equipments

·       Security Alarm System

·       Security Light System

·       Metal & Explosive detectors

·       X-Ray Screening System


Security Management

·       Adequate budget allocation

·       Maintenance contract

·       Monitoring & Evaluation

·       Policy & Guidelines

·       Police Verification of Security staff

·       Issue of uniforms and Id cards with photographs

·       Regular training of new incumbents

·       Records & documentation

Video Description

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