Purchase style


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·       All Customers have a style of communication when they purchase anything and this is called Purchasing Style

·       Always remember style of purchasing is an integral component of your marketing strategy

·       It can also be considered as a guidelines that shows you the way your brand should be presented


Purchasing Style Types

·       The Decisive (D-style)

o   Purchasing person have a clear picture in their mind of what results they want

o   These types of persons also called Type-A people because they make purchasing decision very quickly

o   Person is more often interested in winning their own agenda and have a speedy communication

o   They don’t waste their time or description details and more prefer to discuss top line and big picture concept

o   Remember the following things when you are selling the things to these types of buyers

§  Be practical and efficient

§  Avoid putting emotions in the discussions, opinions & arguments

§  Try to challenge their idea but not on a personal level

§  Stick to the big picture, be quick and to the point during communication

o   These peoples are innovators

·       The Interactive (I-style)

o   These types of purchasing persons wants to shape and enjoy when the talks comes to the negotiation

o   They do the purchasing more collaboratively and are interested to interact with others

o   They always try to understand others and to be understood by others

o   More receptive to making a purchase decision when they feel a sense of connection with a person –Emotions

o   They have had the opportunity to express their emotions, thoughts, fear and excitement about the offer during purchase

o   Remember the following things when you are selling the things to these types of buyers

§  Try to avoid challenging them & personal conflict

§  Don’t aggressively close the argument

§  Try to be enthusiastic & Emotional

§  Let them express their views and gave fun

§  Drop your name

·       The Stabilizer (S-style)

o   These type of purchasing persons are more passive and introverted

o   Interested in the small-small details of the products

o   Their primary objective is to maintain stability within themselves

o   Prefer to buy things that will increase the stability in their living environment

o   Also prefer to purchase the things that are secure, well known and well proven

o   They take plenty of time to make a purchasing decision

o   Remember the following things when you are selling the things to these types of buyers

§  Avoid conflict

§  Reduce rich as much as you can

§  Provide structured and minutiae details of the product

§  Assure your support and commitment to them

§  Try to be sincere and unassuming

§  Don’t get personal with them quickly

·       The Conscientious (C-style)

o   These type of purchasing persons are too much passive and introverted

o   They take detailed and accuracy approach during the purchase

o   Buying decisions are very much driven by questions of

§  Accuracy

§  Reliability & details

§  Guaranty etc

o   If you want success to sell anything to them, you need sufficient data to prove your statement about the product

o   Remember the following things when you are selling the things to these types of buyers

§  Provide high quality of evidence and proof like

·       Data

·       Facts

·       Statistics

§  Avoid grammatical mistakes

§  Ensure accuracy & reliability

§  Be organized, logical and unemotional

§  Try to establish trust through proof


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