Performance Appraisal


                                                     Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       It refers to the systematic & periodic impartial rating of an employee performance in an organization

·       It can also be defined as a record of progress of employees

·       It always act as a guide in making

o   Promotions

o   Transfers

o   Demotions

o   Bonus distribution

o   Source of information

o   Increment


Objectives & Purposes of PA

·       Objectives

o   Determination of effectiveness of employees work so as to decide their benefits

o   To find & resolve out the shortcomings of the employees

o   To analyze the potential of employees for the advancement & promotion

·       Purposes

o   Helps to take decision about the salary increment of an employee

o   Improve the quality of an employee through continuous evaluation

o   Provide adequate facilities for effective performance

o   Helps in the identification of training needs

o   Minimizes the gap between the employer and employee


Concept, Process and Principles of PA

·       Concept

o   Performance appraisal should be in writing

o   Carried out must be in a year

o   Appraisal information should be shared with employees

o   Employees must have the opportunity to respond back to the PA

o   Adequate opportunity should be present for the manager to observe his team members

o   Appraisal process should be carried out by a trained evaluator

·       Process

o   Plan

o   Develop

o   Perform

o   Assess

o   Review

·       Principles

o   Single employee should be rated by at least two raters

o   Rating should be done by the immediate supervisor

o   Rating must be conveyed to he concerned employee

o   Always used separate printed forms for different categories of the job

o   Observe plus points of an employee and the minus points should not be highlighted too much


Methods of PA

·       Traditional Methods

o   Ranking methods

o   Paired Comparison

o   Grading

o   Checklist method

o   Critical incidents methods

·       Modern Methods

o   MBO

o   Rating scales

o   Assessment centers

o   360 degree appraisal

o   Cost accounting method


Components of PA

·       Professionalism

·       Maintaining safety

·       Education in a continuation

·       Initiative character

·       Flexibility

·       Organizing ability

·       Technical ability

·       Communication skills


Video Description

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