Office Discipline (Rules & Regulations)


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·       A good performance & behavior of an employee contributes a lot in the growth of an organization

·       Discipline refers to a force that helps individuals/groups to observe

o   Rules

o   Regulations

o   Standards

o   & procedures necessary for an organization


Nature & Objectives of Discipline

·       Nature

o   A step towards maximum productivity

o   The person has to be self committed to improve & learn

o   Educational in nature

o   Can change the attitude of workers towards their work & workplace

o   Has to reformative and not punitive

o   Focuses on the development rather than punishing

·       Objectives

o   To achieve willing acceptance of the rules, regulations & procedures

o   To impart an element of certainty

o   To develop a spirit of tolerance among employees

o   To bring a desire to make adjustments

o   To seek & give directions & responsibilities

o   To create an atmosphere of respect for each & every person

o   To increase the working efficiency and morale of employees


Components of Discipline

·       Self Discipline

o   It refers to a condition in which a person brings the discipline in himself to achieve something

o   The five pillars of self discipline are

§  Acceptance

§  Willpower

§  Hard work

§  Industry

§  Persistence

o   If you want to be self disciplined

§  Be organized & always on time

§  Keep your words

§  Finish what you start

§  Accept corrections

§  Welcome responsibilities


·       Orderly behavior

o   It refers to a condition that must exist for an orderly behavior in an organization

·       Punishment

o   It is used to prevent the conditions of indiscipline

o   Whenever a worker goes astray in his conduct, he has to be punished to prevent the recurrences

o   The punishment can be of various types

§  Oral warnings

§  Written warnings

§  Suspensions

§  Demotion etc


Approaches of Discipline

·       Positive Approach

o   “A willingness to comply” and it comes from self desire to cooperate in achieving the common goal

o   The emphasis here is on cooperative efforts

o   The process of positive approach involves

§  Counselling

§  Written warning

§  Final warning

§  Discharge

·       Progressive Approach

o   A step by step process that is designed to modify the unacceptable behaviors

o   The process of progressive approach involves

§  Verbal counselling

§  Written warning

§  Suspension without pay

§  Termination

·       Hot Stove Rule

o   Introduced by Douglas Murray McGregor in early 60s

o   It connects the company discipline and touching a hot stove

o   This rule gives a central idea to maintain the effective discipline in an organization by punishing employees in ways similar to touching a hot stove

o   The steps of this rule includes

§  Immediate investigation

§  Previous warning

§  Consistency

§  Disciplinary action

o   Key points of this rule are

§  You had a warning

§  Penalty was consistent

§  The penalty is not delayed


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