National Five Year Plans


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·       After every 5year the Planning commission of India is responsible for making a plan after assessment of

o   All the resources of the nation

o   Augmenting deficient resources

o   Effective & balanced utilization of resources

o   Determining priorities

·       Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Chairman of the Planning Commission

·       The planning commission has set the goal for constructing a long term strategic vision for the future

·       The planning commission also assess the progress of the plan periodically


First Plan (1951-55)

·       Have a total budget of Rs.2069 CRORE for seven broad areas

o   Irrigation & Energy

o   Agriculture & Community development

o   Transport & Communication

o   Social Services

o   Land Rehabilitation

o   Other sectors & services

·       The AIMS of this 5year plan were

o   To fight against disease, malnutrition and unhealthy environment

o   To build up health services for rural population mothers and child’s

·       Priorities of this 5year plan were

o   Safe water supply and sanitation

o   Malaria Control

o   Health education & training

o   Family planning and population control


Second Plan (1956-1961)

·       Have a total budget of Rs.4600 CRORE for the areas of

o   Power and Irrigation

o   Social services

o   Communication

o   Transport

o   Miscellaneous

·       The AIMS of this 5year plan were

o   Development of Institutional facilities to control communicable diseases

o   Setup nother3000PHCs

o   Environmental hygiene

·       Priorities of this 5year plan were

o   Safe water supply and sanitation

o   Preventive healthcare for rural areas

o   Self sufficiency in drugs and equipment's

o   Malaria Control

o   Health education & training

o   Family planning and population control

Third Plan (1961-1966)

·       Have a total budget of Rs.11250 CRORE for the areas of

o   Agriculture & Improvement of wheat production

o   Cement & Fertilizers plants

o   Primary Schools in rural areas

·       The AIMS of this 5year plan were

o   To remove the deficiency of 2nd five year plan

o   To provide institutional facilities in rural areas

o   To remove the shortage of trained personnel and supplies

·       Priorities of this 5year plan were

o   Drainage Programme in urban areas

o   Eradication of smallpox & malaria and other communicable diseases

o   Support to improve the health status of the people


Fourth Plan (1969-1974)

·       Have a total budget of Rs.12255 CRORE for the areas of

o   Medical & nursing education

o   Primary health center

o   Health programmes

·       The AIMS of this 5year plan were

o   To strengthen the primary health center network

o   Undertaking of preventive, curative and family planning

·       Priorities of this 5year plan were

o   Strengthen the primary health centers & district hospitals

o   Intensification of control Programme

o   Expansion of medical and nursing education


Fifth Plan (1975-1979)

·       Prepared and launched by D.D.Dhar for the areas

o   Income areas

o   Nutrition & Immunization

o   Health Infrastructure

·       The AIMS of this 5year plan were

o   To provide minimum level of well integrated

§  Health

§  Planning

§  Nutrition

§  Immunization

·       Priorities of this 5year plan were

o   Correction the regional imbalances

o   Improvement in education and training

o   Integration of health family planning & nutrition


Sixth Plan (1980-85)

·       During this plan Rajeev Gandhi was elected as the prime minister of India

·       An Era of technology , information and progress

·       AIMS

o   Rapid industrial development

o   Improvement in tourism industries

o   Family planning concept

·       Priorities

o   Rural health services

o   Improvement in medical education and training

o   Medical research

o   Drug control & prevention of food adulteration


Seventh Plan (1985-90)

·       Objectives

o   To upgrade the industrial sector

o   To generate more scope of employment

o   Facilities for girls education

o   To use the modern technology

·       AIMS

o   Plan & improve the primary healthcare and medical services to all

o   To achieve the goal of Health for all

o   Emphasis on Community participation, Inter-sectoral coordination & Cooperation

·       Priorities

o   Safe water supply and sanitation

o   MCH and family welfare Programme and services

o   Medical education and training


Eight Plan (1992-97)

·       Objectives

o   Population growth

o   Poverty reduction

o   Employment generation

o   Infrastructure strengthening

o   Human resource development

o   Involvement of Panchayat raj, Nagar Palika, NGOs

·       Priorities

o   Control of communicable disease

o   Universal immunization

o   MCH and family welfare

o   Safe water supply & Sanitation


Ninth Plan (1997-2002)

·       It was developed for four important dimensions

o   Quality of life

o   Productive employment

o   Regional balance

o   Self reliance

·       AIMS

o   Human development

o   Poverty reduction

o   Full scale employment

o   Speedy industrialization

o   Self reliance on domestic resources

·       Priorities

o   Disaster and emergency management

o   Inter-sectorial coordination

o   Efficient primary healthcare and quality of care

o   Development of human resource


Tenth Plan (2002-07)

·       Objectives

o   Reduction of poverty ratio by 5% up to 2007

o   Schooling of all children’s by 2003

o   High quality employment

o   Improvement in quality of life

·       AIMS

o   Reduction in growth population

o   Provision of safe drinking water

o   Increase in literacy rates up to 75%

o   Reduction of IMR

·       Priorities

o   Environment protection

o   Reduction of gender gaps

o   Provision of universal education


Eleventh Plan (2007-11)

·       Objectives

o   Income & poverty

o   Education

o   Health

o   Women & Children

o   Infrastructure

o   Environment

·       Strategy

o   Rapid growth

o   Inclusive growth

o   Focus on private sector

·       Areas

o   Agriculture

o   Urban infrastructure

o   Highways & Airports

o   Irrigation

o   Rural roads, housing & water

·       Achievements

o   Increase in national income

o   Industrial development

o   Self reliance

o   Infrastructure development

o   Institutional changes


Twelfth Plan (2012-16)

·       Objectives

o   Faster creation of jobs in manufacturing

o   Wider industrial growth

o   Economic stability

o   Health & education

o   Environment

o   Poverty & employment

·       Strategy

o   Enhancing the capacity for growth & development

o   Technology & innovation

o   Managing the urbanization

o   Improvement of education system

o   Advancement in preventive & curative care services

·       Rural Development Programme


o   IAY

o   NRLM

o   TSP

o   IWMP



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