Methodology & tools of personnel management


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·       Personnel management tools & methodology are the wide range of techniques that are responsible for the run of day to day HR activities in a effective manner

·       They transform the management of workforce in an organization by offering them a convenient & favorable environment


Methods & Tools

·       Forecasting Techniques

o   HR Demand Forecasting

§  Forecast of manpower required in future on the basis of

·       Employment trends (determination of the stability of a group)

·       Replacement needs (arises due to death, retirement, resignation, termination etc)

·       Productivity (increase in the production results in the requirement of more manpower)

·       Growth & Expansion (introduction of new units required more manpower)

·       Absenteeism (too much can results in the replacement)

o   HR Supply Forecasting

§  Forecast of manpower supply available in the market on the basis of

·       Human Resource Audit (systematic audit of managers to find out the manpower available inside the organization)

·       Replacement Charts (listing of each key position and indicating time when it is likely to be vacated and which candidate is best suitable to fill that vacant position)

·       Quantitative Aspects

o   Demand

§  Managerial Judgement

·       Bottom-up approach

·       Top-down approach

·       Managerial estimate

§  Work study techniques

·       Work load analysis

·       Work force analysis

§  Statistical techniques

·       Ratio & trend analysis

·       Econometric models

·       Regression analysis

o   Supply

§  Markov analysis (Analysis of supply on the basis of observing historical data)

§  Simulation (consider alternative flows which are examined for future manpower supplies)

§  Renewal Analysis (estimates future supply by calculating vacancies and how they are going to be filled)

§  Goal programming (techniques under which the planner tends to optimize the goal)

·       Qualitative Aspects

o   Job Analysis (determination of the nature of the job with the minimum acceptable qualities)

o   Job description (details about the contents of the job)

o   Job specification (reveals physical, educational and other qualification & experiences required in a person to perform the job satisfactorily)


Specific Methods & tools

·       To determine the requirement of manpower

o   Job analysis

o   Workday task analysis

o   Standard administrative times

·       To forecast the requirements of human resources

o   Productivity dynamics

o   Dynamics of company’s turnover

o   Business plan

·       To recruit & select human resources

o   Personality test

o   Interview

o   Case study

·       For the integration of employees

o   Individual labor contract

o   Specific work instruction

o   Celebrating employees special days

·       Training human resources

o   Individual study

o   Workplace apprenticeship

o   Job rotation

·       Communicating with human resources

o   Written notices

o   Frequent meetings

o   E-mails

·       Assessment of human resources

o   Work productivity

o   Functional evaluation

o   MBO

·       Motivating Human resources

o   Salary

o   Promotion

o   Bonus


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