Material Management


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·       Material Management deals with the

o   Planning

o   Organizing

o   & Controlling the flow of materials from the initial purchase to the point of their distribution

·       Basically it is the grouping of management function to support the complete cycle of material flow


Importance of Material Management

·       Main

o   To procure the material

§  In right quantity

§  Of right quality

§  At right time

§  From right source

§  At right price

·       Primary

o   To purchase the best item at lowest cost

o   To increase the inventory turnover and decrease the inventory cost

o   To maintain the flow of production and consistency of quality

o   Optimization of acquisition and possession

o   Good relationship with supplier

o   Maintaining records, personal development and contribution towards competitiveness

·       Secondary

o   Forecasting

o   Promotion of standardization with supplier

o   Development of reciprocal relations with customers

o   Committees to decide on economic make or buy decisions

o   Development of interdepartmental relations

o   Can undertake acquisitions


 Principles of Material Management

·     Effective management & supervision by the help of proper

o   Planning

o   Organizing

o   Staffing

o   Directing

o   Controlling

o   Reporting

o   Budgeting

·     Sound purchasing methods

·     Skillful & hard poised negotiations

·     Effective purchasing system

·     Simplicity

·     Not results in the increase of other costs

·     Inventory Control programme



·     Demand estimation

·     Identify the needed items

·     Calculate from the trends in consumption during last 2 years

·     Review with resource constraints


Video Description

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