Learning Approaches


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·       Learning is a change in the behavior that occurs as a result of

o   Experience

o   Learner interaction

o   Continuous practice

·       Majorly learning has been divided into the following categories

o   Cognitive learning

§  Gaining of Information

§  Gaining of memorization ability

§  Explaining of phenomena in different ways

o   Psychomotor learning

§  Learning of skills that needs too much use of brain

o   Affective learning

§  Learning through socio-cultural & emotional environment

o   Concomitant learning

§  Learning from unconscious environment such as attitude, value, like & dislike

o   Perceptual learning

§  Learning from past


Types of Learning Approaches

1.  Behaviorism

a.     Learning is defined by the outward expression of a new behavior

b.     It is a biological basis of learning & focus only on observable behavior

c.      The major critiques of this approach are

                                                       i.     Does not include the process taking place in the mind that can’t be observed

                                                      ii.     Advocates only for passive students

                                                    iii.     Knowledge itself is given and absolute

2.  Cognitivism

a.     Knowledge is stored cognitively as symbols

b.     Learning is a process of connecting symbols in a memorable way

c.      It focused on the mental process that initiates the symbol connection

d.     It states that anyone can learn anything at any age, just give them in terms they can understand

e.     The major critiques of this approach are

                                                       i.     Does not account enough for individuality

                                                     ii.     Little emphasis on affective characteristics

3.  Social learning

a.     Learning takes place through observations and sensorial experiences such as

                                                       i.     Abdullah(learner) in his childhood wants to be like Mehmet Bozdag(role model)

                                                     ii.     Abdullah stared to believe that he is like Mehmet

                                                   iii.     Abdullah experience emotions like Mehmet is feeling

                                                    iv.     Abdulla act like the Mehmet in his real life nowadays after his sensorial and observational experience

b.     The major critiques of this approach are

                                                       i.     Does not include individuality & context as a mediating factor

                                                      ii.     Motivation not connected to learning

4.  Social Constructivism

a.     Knowledge is actively constructed

b.     Learning can be seen as

                                                       i.     Search for meaning

                                                      ii.     Contextualized

                                                    iii.     Inherently social activity

                                                    iv.     Responsibility of learner

                                                      v.     Dialogic

c.      The major critiques of this approach are

                                                       i.     Suggest that knowledge is neither given nor absolute

                                                      ii.     Often seen as less rigorous

                                                    iii.     Not fitted with tradition age grouping

5.  Multiple Intelligences

a.     All people born with 8 intelligences

                                                       i.     Verbal

                                                      ii.     Visual

                                                    iii.     Logical

                                                    iv.     Kinesthetic

                                                      v.     Musical

                                                    vi.     Naturalist

                                                  vii.     Interpersonal

                                                 viii.     Intrapersonal

b.     The major critiques of this approach are

                                                       i.     Lack of quantifiable evidence that MI exist

                                                     ii.     Use of MI can cause any discernable impact


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