Inter Sectoral Coordination


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·       It can be defined as the promotion and coordination of he activities of different healthcare sectors to enhance and provide a quality services to the community

·       It has been accepted as one of the guiding principles of health strategy to achieve health goals

·       Inter means within or itself

·       Sector means different organizations

·       Coordination means to bring unity of purpose in order to achieve common objectives

·       Example can be the PPP mode to improve healthcare services in Uttarakhand region


Need for ISC

·       To improve vertical nature of programs

·       Focus on primary health care

·       To prove directionality

·       To promote team work

·       To save time and increase efficiency

·       To reduce workload and sharing ideas


Pre-Requisites for Effective ISC

·       Leadership style and willingness

·       Health policies and priorities

·       Sharing a common vision and perspective

·       Defining roles and responsibilities of every sector

·       Participatory decision making


Areas of ISC

·       Nutrition promotion

·       Agriculture

·       Education

·       Women & Child development

·       Panchayats

·       Animal husbandry

·       Supply of safe drinking water

·       Immunization against major infectious diseases

·        Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases

·       Excreta and refuse disposal


Planning Steps for ISC

·       Listing of programs

·       Identification of activities areas

·       Collaboration of different sectors

·       Facilitate community involvement

·       Development of action plan

·       Putting efforts to achieve common goal


Video Description

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