Infection Control Committee


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·       Infection can be defined as the injurious contamination of body via bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa or by the toxins that they may produce

·       It can be local or generalized and can be spread throughout the body

·       Once the infectious agent enters in the host, it starts to react with the defense mechanism of the body and produce infection symptoms and signs like

o   Pain

o   Swelling

o   Redness

o   Pulse rate

o   Rise in temperature etc


HAI/Nosocomial Infection

·       The infection is called Nosocomial or HAI (Hospital Acquired Infection) when it is acquired during the process of receiving treatment from the hospital but not present at the time of admission

·       Examples of HAI

o   Central line associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI)

o   Catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)

o   Surgical site infection (SSI)

o   Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP)

·       Factors influencing HAI

o   Microbial Agents

o   Patient Susceptibility

o   Environmental factors

·       Transmission

o   Endogenous

§  When normal patient flora change to pathogenic bacteria because of

·       Change in normal habitat

·       Damage of skin

·       Inappropriate antibiotic use

o   Exogenous

§  Mainly through the hands of

·       Healthcare workers

·       Visitors

·       Patients


Infection Control Committee

·       A multidisciplinary committee which is responsible for the monitoring program policies implementation and recommend corrective actions

·       Aims & Objectives

o   Education & training of healthcare workers

o   Protection of healthcare workers

o   Identification of hazards & minimizing risks

o   Routine practices such as

§  Aseptic techniques

§  Handling and use of blood & blood products

§  Waste management

§  Use of single use devices

§  Surveillance

§  Incident monitoring

§  Research

·       Responsibilities

o   Review & approve surveillance and prevention Programme

o   Identify areas for intervention

o   Assess and promote improved practices at all levels of health facility

o   To ensure appropriate staff training

o   Safety management

o   Development of policies for the prevention and control of infection

o   To develop its own infection control manual

o   Monitor and evaluate the performance of Programme

·       Members

o   Hospital Administrator

o   Microbiologist

o   Infection Control Nurse (ICN)

o   Nursing Superintendent

o   Representative from major clinical specialties

o   Additional representatives may be invited if necessary

·       Role of ICN

o   Identify, investigate and monitor infections, hazardous practice and procedures

o   Participate in preparation of documents relating to service specifications and quality standards

o   Participation in training and educational programmes


Strategies to prevent HAI

·       Hand Hygiene

·       Use of Personal Protective Equipment's

·       Antibiotic Stewardship

·       Safe, clean, hygienic hospital environment

·       Use of physical barriers

·       Management of

o   Equipment's

o   Environment

o   Laundry

o   Blood & body fluid spills

o   Biomedical Waste


Video Description

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