Industrial Relations


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·       It refers to the relationship between an Employer & Employees in the area of employment in an industrial organization

·       Collectively it is used to mark the relationship between management and workers


Definition, Scope & Importance of IR

·       Definition

o   “IR are the complex interrelations among managers, workers and agencies of the government” (J.T Dunlop)

·       Scope

o   Trade unionism

o   Collective bargaining

o   Workers participation

o   Discipline

o   Industrial disputes

·       Importance

o   Uninterrupted Production

o   Reduction of Industrial Waste

o   High Morale

o   Reduced Wastage

o   Contribute to economic growth & development


Features & Objectives of IR

·       Features

o   These are the outcomes of employment relationships in an organization

o   IR create rules and regulations to maintain the harmonious relations

o   In IR, the government intervenes to shape the IR through

§  Laws

§  Rules

§  Agreements

§  Terms

§  Charters

·       Objectives

o   To maintain the industrial democracy

o   To raise the productivity by reducing absenteeism

o   To establish a proper channel for communication

o   To avoid all types of Industrial conflicts

o   To safeguard the interests of labor


Causes of Poor IR and their Solutions

·       Causes

o   Economic Causes

§  Poor wages

§  Poor working conditions

§  Absence of promotion

o   Organizational Causes

§  Faulty communication system

§  Unfair practices

§  Non recognition of trade

o   Social Causes

§  Uninteresting nature of work

§  Dissatisfaction with job

§  Personal life culminates

o   Psychological Causes

§  Lack of job security

§  Performance

§  Poor interpersonal relations

o   Political causes

§  Multiple unions

§  Defective trade unions

§  Industrial disputes

·       Solutions

o   Sound personnel policies

o   Participative management

o   Responsible unions

o   Employee welfare

o   Grievance procedure

o   Constructive attitude

o   Proper communication channel

o   Education & training


IR Influence on Staff Behavior

·       High employee loyalty

·       Increased motivation

·       Decreased conflict chances at workplace

·       Build the trust

·       Improves the confidence

·       Ensures a better workplace culture

·       Enhancement of Work-life balance

·       Better employee engagement


Video Description

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