Industrial Disputes Act


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·       This Act was introduced in 1947

·       Industrial Disputes refers to the difference or dispute of any type between the

o   Employer and worker

o   Worker and Worker

·       It can be connected to the employment or non employment also


Objectives & Causes of ID

·       Objectives

o   To ensure the availability of suitable machinery for the peaceful settlement of ID

o   To promote the steps for securing the good relation and terms between the employer and employees

o   To prevent Strikes

o   To prevent illegal lockouts

o   To promote collective bargaining

o   To avoid unfair labor practices

·       Causes

o   Demand for the

§  Higher wages & benefits

§  Bonus

§  Social security benefits

§  Good & Safer working conditions

§  Improvisation of labor welfare


Methods of Settle the ID

·       Conciliation

o   A method which involves the use of 3rd party services(by government) to resolve out the disputes between the two parties

o   The government of India gives two things to resolve the ID

§  Conciliation Officer

·       Appointed by the Central government

·       Responsible to resolve the ID between the two parties

·       Given the power of a civil court

·       Authorized to call the witness the parties on oath

§  Board of Conciliation

·       Enters in the ID, whenever the Conciliation officers fails to resolve it

·       Consist of a Chairman and four other members

·       Have to submit its report to the government within 2 months of the date of ID

·       Arbitration

o   A method in which both the parties of ID agree to refer their dispute to a 3rd neutral party (Arbitrator)

o   In Arbitration the Arbitrator gives out a decision on a dispute while in case of Conciliation, the conciliator disputing parties to reach at a decision

o   It can be classified into 2 categories

§  Voluntary Arbitration

§  Compulsory Arbitration (forced by the government)

·       Adjudication

o   It is the ultimate option to resolve out the ID in a legal manner by the help of

§  Labor Court

·       It is constituted under the section 7 of this act by the government of India

·       It consists of One Independent person who has been a judge of High Court

·       The issues that comes under this court are

o   Legality of an employer to pass an order

o   Application and Interpretation of standing orders

o   Discharge, dismissal of a worker wrongfully

o   Withdrawal of any statutory concession

o   Illegal strike or lockout

§  Industrial Tribunal

·       For the adjudication of ID the government can constitute one or more tribunals

·       They have wider jurisdiction in comparison to the Labor court

·       It is constituted for a limited period of time and the issues that comes under it are

o   Wages

o   Mode of payment

o   Working hours

o   Rest periods

o   Rationalization

o   Leaves

o   Bonus & Profit sharing


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