Indian System of Medicines


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·       System of medicine which are incorporated in Indian culture or have Indian origin are known as Indian System of Medicine

·       Generally the Indian Medicine Systems are of 4 types

o   Ayurveda

o   Siddha

o   Unani

o   Homeopathy



·     It is the oldest system of Indian medicine which means Science of life

·     This concept was developed between 2500 and 50 BC in India

·     Out of below mentioned 4 Vedas, Ayurveda is the part of Atharveda

o   Rigveda

o   Samveda

o   Yajurveda

o   Atharveda

·     The first book of Ayurveda is Charka Samitha

o   Having a concept of practice of Ayurveda i.e school of medicine

o   It describes 600 plants and their products used in medicine

o   It was recorded in 1900 BC

·     The next Ayurvedic literature is Sushruta Samitha

o   Having a concept of Surgery i.e school of surgery

o   It deals with different theories and fundamentals of principle of surgery

o   It describes 650 drugs, different surgery related topics like

§  Anatomy

§  Toxicology

§  Embryology etc

o   It also describes the use of surgical instruments like

§  Scissors

§  Forceps

§  Scalpels etc

o   The basic principle of Ayurveda is Panchmahabhutas

§  Universe is made up of 5 basic elements

·       Akasa (Space)

·       Vayu (Air)

·       Agni (Fire)

·       Jala (Water)

·       Prithvi (Earth)

§  All these are mixed in an infinite variety of relative proportions such that form of matter is distinctly unique

§  By continuous change and interaction with each other , they create a situation which keeps the world going

§  Any changes in thes 5 elements results in the symptoms of disease



§  This term is coined by Hahnemann and appeared in 1807

§  It is unique and natural system of medicine

§  It helps to stimulate the body’s healing process with no common side effects

§  It is based on 7 principles

o   Individualisation

o   Principle of Similia

o   Principle of Simplex

o   Principle of Minimum dose

o   Law of providing

o   Law of dynamisation

o   Vital Force


§  It was originated in Greece and the foundation laid down by Hippocrates

§  In India this system was introduced by Arabs around 11th century

§  Unani word is derived from a Greek word Ionian

§  The specialist of this system is called Hakim who have physical, mental and spiritual knowledge

§  According to Unani system our body is made up of 7 components

o   Elements (Arkan)

o   Temperament (Mizaj)

o   Bodily Humours (Akhlat)

o   Organ & Systems (Aaza)

o   Vital spirit (Arwah)

o   Power (Quwah)

o   Functions (Afaal)

§  This system laid down on six essentials known as  Asbab Sitta e Zaroriayah for the maintenance of health and prevention of disease

o   Air

o   Foods and drinks

o   Body movement

o   Sleep and wakefulness

o   Mental work

o   Excretion and retention



§  It is a traditional system of medicine originated from Tamil culture

§  It was believed that this system was described by

o   Lord Shiva to his wife Parvati

o   Parvti to her son Lord Kartik

o   Lord kartik to Sage Agasthya

o   Sage Agasthya to his 18 Siddhars and finally they spread this concept to human beings

§  According to Siddha, man is a miniature in himself and made up of 5 basic elements called Panchmahabhutam

§  The elements are as follows

o   Earth (Nilam)

o   Water (Neer)

o   Fire (Thee)

o   Air (Kaatru)

o   Space (Aagyam)

§  Criteria for physical examination Envagai theru

o   Tongue (Naa)

o   Color (Niram)

o   Speech (Mozhi)

o   Eyes (Vizi)

o   Stool (Malam)

o   Urine (Moothiram)

o   Touch (Sparisam)

o   Pulse (Naadi)


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