Hospital Kitchens


Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       Kitchen is one of the most important service of the hospital unlike others

·       The main objective of this service is to make provision of clean, hygienic and nutritious diet for the indoor patients as per their caloric requirement


Planning of a Kitchen

·       Location & Size

o   Ideally on the ground floor but away from the main traffic

o   Access to lories

o   Size varies as per the number of beds in a hospital

o   Up to 200 beds (20 sq ft/bed)

o   200-400 beds (16 sq ft/bed)

o   500 and above (15sq ft/bed)

·       Physical Facilities

o   Peripheral Component

§  Collection of diet and demand

§  Distribution of diet

o   Central Component

§  Administrative area

§  Cooking, preparation, receiving and service area

§  Dry ration storage and cold rooms for perishable items

§  Garbage collection & Washing area

§  Toilets

·       Environmental Planning

o   Adequate Ventilation & Garbage disposal

o   Enough light and gas pipeline

o   Solid stainless flooring

o   Water & Steam supply

·       Administrative Area

o   Chief Dietician office

o   Dietician office

o   Clerk office

o   Steward Office

o   Staff changing room

o   Toilets

·       Equipment's

o   Cooking utensils & Distribution trolley

o   Cooking Ovens & Chapati maker

o   Dish cleaning

o   Grinder, weighing and mixer machine

o   Cutting equipment's

·       Manpower

o   Chief Dietician

o   Senior Dietician & Dietician

o   Steward

o   Diet Clerk

o   Head Cooks

o   Therapeutic Cooks

o   Assistant Cooks

o   Masalchi

o   Attendant, trolley bearer & safaiwala

·       Menu Planning

o   High calorie Diet

o   General Diet

o   Soft Diet

o   Liquid Diet

o   Nephrotic Diet

o   Diabetic Diet

·       Material Planning

o   Demand estimation and Indenting

o   Storage

o   Issue to the kitchen on daily basis

·       Procurement & Storage

o   Through approved contractors

o   Dry ration on monthly basis and perishable items on daily basis

o   Kept perishable items in cold room

o   Non perishable items in racks and ventilated room


Functions of Kitchen

·       Dieticians

o   Quality Control & making policies

o   Menu planning, budgeting, work scheduling & staff hygiene

o   Diet counselling, education & training

·       Steward

o   Supervision & Control

o   Preparation of diet demands

o   Collection of ration from store for cooking

·       Store Keeper

o   Indent & receipt of ration

o   Storing of ration

o   Accounting and pest control

·       Head Cook

o   Overall supervision of cooks

o   Check pilferage

o   Kitchen discipline

·       Cook

o   Distribution of food to different places

o   Assist in preparation and cooking

o   Assist in cleaning and drying utensils

·       Masalchi

o   Maintenance of cleaning in kitchen area

o   Washing of utensils

o   Proper disposal of waste


Quality Control

o   There should be a policy of checking raw materials

o   Ration should be procured from government approved contractors

o   Standardization of cooking methods

o   Surprise testing of cook food

o   Schedule cleaning of kitchen

o   Proper ventilation and smoke exhaust



o   Number of food complaint received

o   Number of food poisoning cases

o   Instance of false diet distribution

o   Wastage & Pilferage incidences

o   Pests and Rodents


Video Description

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