Hospital housekeeping services


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·       We are very well known about this that the first impression is the last impression and prolongs till the end

·       A patient entering first time to the hospital having a neat & clean environment gives

o   An aesthetic feeling

o   Takes away half of his misery

o   Increase his confidence on the hospital

·       Housekeeping services includes the activities such as

o   Cleanliness of the hospital

o   Maintenance of a healthy environment

o   Good sanitation services

o   Keeping the hospital premises free from pollution


Objectives of Housekeeping

·       To impart hygienic environment

·       To meet the expectations of the community

·       To maintain a high standard of the hospital

·       To give happy, healthy, safe & pollution free environment

·       General sanitation, cleanliness and comfortable environment

·       Ensuring safety of staff, patients and relatives

·       Proper record keeping and feedback


Components of Housekeeping

·       Proper disposal of BMW

·       Hospital Infection Control

·       Pest, rodent and odor control

·       Proper sewerage disposal

·       Sanitation & Cleanliness

·       Adequate water supply

·       Greenery Comfort

·       Clean Toilets


Results of Good Housekeeping Services

·       Patient satisfaction

·       Prevent and control infection

·       Reduce ALOS

·       Enhance Public relation

·       More visits of patient

·       Increase popularity


Manpower Planning

·       Criteria

o   Number of shifts

o   Types of sanitary equipment to be used

o   Amount of traffic movement

o   Knowledge & Skill of housekeeping staff

o   Linen management

o   Types of Cleaning agents used

o   Transport of BMW

·       Staffing

o   100 bedded hospital = 14

o   200 bedded hospital = 25

o   300 bedded hospital = 45

o   400 bedded hospital = 65

o   500 bedded hospital = 70

o   700 bedded hospital = 80

·       Training needs on

o   Cleaning and its benefits

o   Equipment's handling

o   Use of reagent

o   Personal protection

o   Methods of mopping

o   Personal hygiene & health examination


Cleaning Agents Used

·       Examples

o   Water

o   Soap

o   Ammonia

o   Methylated Spirit

o   Turpentine

o   HCL

o   Phenyl

o   Carbon tetrachloride

·       Selection Criteria

o   Mild in nature

o   Good quality

o   Bactericidal

o   Wide microbe spectrum

o   Pleasant odor

o   Non Corrosive


Area to be Cleaned

·       Floor, Walls & Fans

·       AC, Refrigerator & Machines

·       Sinks, Buckets, Window pans, Door & Mats

·       Toilets, Mirrors & Basin Pots


Quality Control Indicators

·       Patient comments

·       Visitors appreciation

·       HAI cases

·       Extent of Pest & Rodent control

·       Clean & dry linens

·       Visual effects



·       Low priority

·       Overcrowding

·       Financial constraints

·       Unwilling supervision

·       Manpower shortage

·       Lack of awareness


Video Description

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