Healthcare Delivery System


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·       The simple meaning of healthcare is to take care or protect health

·       National health policy was reviewed in 2001 to

o   Achieve standards of health

o   Strengthen the existing infrastructure


Characteristics of a Healthcare System

·       Accessible & taking care of social and cultural values

·       Appropriate & adequate

·       Availability of resources (Man, Money & Material)

·       Comprehensive in nature


Purposes of a Healthcare System

·       To reduce the morbidity & mortality

·       To improve the basic sanitation

·       To improve the nutritional status

·       To increase the life expectancy

·       To investigate the emerging health problems


Levels of Healthcare System

·       Primary level of healthcare

o   Consist of basic healthcare professional like

§  Medical Officer

§  Health Supervisors

§  Multipurpose Health Workers

§  Anganwadi workers

§  Trained Dias

§  ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist)

o   Models of Primary healthcare includes

§  Primary health center for 30,000 population

§  Sub-centre level for 15,000 population

§  Village level for 1,000 population

·       Secondary level of healthcare

o   The primary level of healthcare setting are not equipped with the facilities and manpower to deal with all complex problems

o   So, the cases which required secondary level of preventive services such as

§  Diagnostics

§  Curative

§  Specialists Consultation etc, are referred to secondary care

o   Secondary level services are provided at

§  CHCs

§  District Hospitals

§  District Health Centers

o   Models of Secondary healthcare includes

§  District hospitals

§  FW center

§  Community Health Centre with 1:120,000 ration of population

·       Tertiary level of healthcare

o   Health problems which can’t be treated at secondary level are dealt at territory level of care

o   It is being provided at

§  State level

§  Regional level

§  Central level

§  Medical colleges

§  Super speciality hospitals

o   Availability of Super specialists and latest technology equipments

o   Also serves as a teaching & training institutions

o   Research and Planning management work are also executed at territory level

Video Description

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