

          Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       Grievance refers to the complaint that has been formally(written) presented to the management

·       Always remember that every grievance is a complaint but every complaint is not a grievance because of written format compulsion

·       Generally the grievance can be

o   Real or Imaginary

o   Legitimate or Ridiculous

o   Rated or Unvoiced


Grievances Reasons

·       Economic

o   Wage fixation

o   Overtime

o   Bonuses

·       Working Environment

o   Poor working conditions

o   Defective equipments

o   Tools

·       Supervision

o   Disposition of the boss

o   Nepotism

o   Bias

·       Working Group

o   Incompatibility with peers

o   Feeling of neglect

o   Obstruction

·       Working Organization

o   Rigid rules

o   Too much responsibility

o   Lack of recognition


Grievances Effects & Solving Procedure

·       Effects

o   Loss of interest

o   Low productivity

o   Increase in the wastage & costs

o   Increase in the employee turnover

o   Increase in the incident of accident

o   Indiscipline

o   Unrest

·       Solving Procedure

o   Grievance Acknowledgement

o   Fact Gathering & data collection

o   Examination of grievance causes

o   Decision

o   Execution

o   Review


Grievance Handling Benefits, Essentials & Committee Members

·       Benefits

o   Encourage employees to raise their concerns

o   Remove hesitation & fear of reprisal

o   Gives a fairy & speedy means of dealing

o   Prevents minor disagreements converting into serious disputes

o   Saves employees time & money

o   Build openness and trust

·       Essentials

o   Statutory provisions

o   Unambiguous

o   Simplicity

o   Promptness

o   Training

o   Follow up

·       Committee Members

o   One member of top management to act as a chairman

o   One higher supervisor except the one being complained

o   One member of HR department


Video Description

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