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·       Forecasting refers to the “Estimation or prediction of future”

·       It involves the prediction of

o   Outcomes

o   Trends

o   Expected future

o   Behavior of  business

o   Behavior of an industry sector

·       It is an operational research technique used as a basis for planning & decision making


Forecasting Features & Process

·       Features

o   Deals with future events

o   Must for planning process

o   Guessing of future events

o   Consider all factors that can affect organizational functions

o   Involves personal observations

·       Process

o   Preparation of foundation

o   Estimation of future

o   Collection of results

o   Comparison of results

o   Refining the forecast


Forecasting Methods

·       Qualitative

o   Executive Committee Consensus

§  Develop forecast by asking a group of knowledgably executives

§  Executives gives their opinions regards to the future value of the  items

§  Presence of a powerful executive can affect the group to reach on a consensus

o   Delphi Methods

§  It involves a group of experts that eventually develop a consensus

§  Usually make long range forecast for future sales of a new product

o   Sales Force Composite

§  It utilize the Sales persons as a good source of information regards to the

·       Future intentions of a customer

·       Market change in near future

o   Customer Surveys

§  It involves the analysis of customer’s feed to forecast

§  A firm can base it’s demand forecast on the customers purchasing plans

·       Quantitative

o   Time Series Models

§  Trends (Upward and downward movement of data over time)

§  Seasonality (Variations that repeat itself at fixed intervals)

§  Cyclical (Has a duration of at least one year)

§  Random (Caused by chance)

o   Casual Models

§  Employ some factors other than time


Forecasting Importance, Advantages & Limitations

·       Importance

o   Pivotal role in organization

o   Development of a business

o   Coordination

o   Effective control

o   Key to success

o   Project implementation

o   Primacy to planning

·       Advantages

o   Handling of uncertainty

o   Balanced workload

o   Material management

o   Minimization in the fluctuations of production

o   Utilization of capital and resources

·       Limitations

o   It can be yield wrong

o   Cannot be considered as a scientific method

o   Unable to specify a concrete relationship between past and future events

o   Time consuming

o   Cannot be applied to a long period


Video Description

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