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·       CSSD Central Sterile Supply Department is a service that is responsible for the

o   Processing

o   Issuing

o   & Control of sterile supply for the use in various departments of the hospital


Planning of a CSSD

1)   Location

a.    Should be located near to the areas it mainly serve i.e.

                                                    i.     Operation Theatre

                                                  ii.     ICU

                                                iii.     CCU

                                                iv.     Surgical Wards

                                                  v.     Emergency

b.    Away from the main traffic of patient flow

c.     Easy access to the boiler for steam

2)   Size

a.    Size varies as per the size of the hospital

                                                    i.     For a 100 bedded hospital only a room (Peripheral unit) is required

                                                  ii.     For a 400 bedded hospital only CSSD required

                                                iii.     For more than 500 beds both CSSD and Peripheral units are required

b.     Average area requirement is 1sq mt/bed including all units

3)    Layout

a.     Structural Designing

                                                    i.     Central unit comprises of three zones which are separated from two distinct barriers

                                                  ii.     One collection window and one supply window on the other end

b.     Designing Principles

                                                    i.     No back tracking of sterile goods

                                                  ii.     One way movement from receiving counter to the issuing counter

                                                 iii.     Priority should be given to the sterile area

                                                 iv.     Separate receiving and issuing counter

c.      Minimum Division Required

                                                    i.     Receiving Counter

                                                  ii.     Soiled items storage

                                                iii.     Cleaning area

                                                iv.     Packaging area

                                                  v.     Sterilization area

                                                vi.     Sterile items storage

                                               vii.     Issuing counter

4)    Space Requirements

a.     1.64 sq.m/bed for a 400 beds

b.     1sq.m/bed space for >400 beds

c.      Entrance space 10.5 sq.m

d.     Washing & Disinfection 17.5 sq.m

e.     Assembly, Processing & Sterilization 35 sq.m

f.      Rest space is for the duty room, lockers, toilet, trolley etc.

5)    Equipment's

a.     Cleaning Area

                                                    i.     Washer disinfector of high capacity

                                                  ii.     Cold & hot water streams

                                                 iii.     Detergent solution

                                                 iv.     Steam when available

                                                  v.     Hot air ovens for drying

                                                 vi.     Wall fixtures for drying

b.     Sterilization Area

                                                    i.     Autoclaves

                                                  ii.     Ethylene oxide sterilizer

                                                 iii.     Sterilization marker used to test the effectiveness

c.      Storage & Distribution

                                                    i.     Cup boards

                                                  ii.     Selves

                                                 iii.     Table, chair & racks

                                                 iv.     Trolleys & instrument trays

                                                  v.     Wire baskets and containers

d.     Others

                                                    i.     Cleaning & decontamination devices

                                                  ii.     Surgical gloves

                                                 iii.     Steam boiler

                                                 iv.     Needle sharper

                                                  v.     Telephones

                                                 vi.     Repair & maintenance tools

6)    Staffing

a.     Medical Superintendent

b.     CSSD microbiologist

c.      Technical Supervisor

d.     CSSD Technicians

e.     CSSD Attendants

f.      Transporters

g.     Safaiwala

7)    Flow of Items

Methods of Sterilization

·       Heat Sterilization

o   Dry heat sterilization

§  Used for the sterilization of Oils, Powders, small instruments & O2 regulators

§  Sterilization done at 160 to 180 degree Celsius for 40 minutes

§  Example is Infra red use for the sterilization

o   Moist heat sterilization (Steam)

§  Work on the principle of right combination of

·       Steam

·       Pressure

·       & Temperature for the fixed time to sterilized an item

§  If the pressure increased the duration of sterilization decreased

§  Destroy the microbes by the denaturation or coagulation of cell protein

§  Example is the Autoclave sterilization at 121 degree Celsius for 40 minutes at 15 PSI

·       ETO Sterilization

o   Used in the combination of CO2 or Nitrogen

o   Used for the items that cannot stand high temperature such as

§  Rubber Goods

§  Drip Sets

§  Cannulas

§  Delicate surgical instruments

o   Kill the microbes by altering their DNA through the process of alkylation

o   Required

§  Humidity 35-70%

§  Temperature 37-60 degree Celsius

§  Time 105-300 minutes

·       Chemical Sterilization

o   1% Cidex for 30 to 45 minutes dipping

o   Sterilized instruments like

§  Laparoscope

§  Bronchoscope

§  Endoscope etc..

·       Radiation

o   Used for the sterilization of disposable items

o   Done by the help of radiations like Gamma rays

o   Materials used for the sterilization are radioactive in nature like

§  Cobalt 60

§  Cesium 137


Advantages of CSSD

·       Play important role in infection control

·       Promote  provide efficient & economic supply of sterile department

·       Institute quality control measures and research

·       Cuts down the time of nursing staff spends in sterilization

·       Cutting down the hospital cost

·       Maintains the inventory of supplies & equipment's

·       Gives a safe environment for both patients & staff


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