Conflict Management


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·       It can be expressed as a struggle between the two or more interdependent parties, who perceive or assume that the

o   Incompatible goals

o   Scarce resources

o   & Interference from others can prevent them from achieving their goal


Causes of Conflicts

·       Lack of resources

·       Different attitudes & perception

·       Disagreement on goals, priorities & interests

·       Lack of communication and team work

·       Inadequate organizational structure or hierarchy

·       Uncleared roles & responsibilities


Types of Conflicts

·       Intrapersonal Conflict

o   Occurs within an individual or with self

o   A situation in which we have to fight with himself to choose between two alternative

o   Example can be the conflict in the mind of Abdullah to select between handmade sanitizers or readymade one for his hospital

·       Interpersonal Conflict

o   Conflict between two or more individuals

o   Person experiencing this conflict can face upward or downward opposition

o   Example can be the conflict between Abdullah & Prashastra in Himalayan Hospital

·       Intergroup Conflict

o   Disagreement or differences between the two or more group members

o   The disagreement can be on the basis of

§  Authority

§  Territory

§  Resources

o   Example can be the conflict between HR & Admin department over the hiring of less number of nurses in the hospital


Conflict Effects on Organization

·       Destructive

o   Stress

o   Absenteeism

o   Staff turnover

o   De-motivation

o   Non-productivity

·       Constructive

o   Improves decision quality

o   Stimulates creativity

o   Encourages interest


Results of Conflict

·       WIN-WIN

o   Both the parties win in this situation

o   Example can be the winning of a govt tender by a contractor create win-win situation on both side

·       WIN-LOSE

o   One party wins and another party loose

o   Example can be the hospital select an administrator out of 10 candidates after conducting a debate competition between them

·       LOSE-LOSE

o   Both the parties loose in this situation

o   Example can be the budget cutting negotiation can result in the loos of money of all the parties


Conflict Handling Steps

·       Analyze the cause of conflict

·       Consider alternative strategies

·       Choose the strategy which will be the best to resolve conflict

·       Implement the decision

·       Evaluate the decision


Strategies of Conflict Management

·       Defensive

o   It creates feeling of winning in someone and loss in other

o   It can be easily resolve by the help of following ways

§  Separate the conflict parties

§  Suppress the conflict

§  Isolate the conflict

§  Avoid the conflict

·       Compromise

o   In this type of strategy both the parties gain and loss something

·       Creative problem solving

o   It creates a feeling of gain and no feeling of loss for all the conflict participant

o   This strategy involves the following steps

§  Initiate a discussion

§  Respect individual differences

§  Be empathic

§  Agree on a solution that results in win-win situation


Conflict Management Ways of Medical Administrator

·       Frequently meetings with your team

·       Allow your team to express openly

·       Share your objectives and goal

·       Having a clear cut job description

·       Always distribute the task fairly

·       Being a role model


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