Condemnation & Disposal


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·       Condemnation refers to the act of declaring something awful or no more available for usage

·       The material which

o   Could not be used within its shelf life

o   Deteriorated

o   Declared unfit for use

o   Obsolete

o   & Banned are considered to be condemn & dispose


Condemnation Criteria

The equipment has become

·       Non functional

·       Beyond economical repair

·       Obsolete

·       Functional but obsolete

·       Functional but hazardous

·       Functional but no longer required


Condemnation Procedure

·       The competent authority constitute a committee having three or more members

·       The committee members go into the details of inventory record from the point of demand to its distribution

·       They find out the reason for being an item surplus or remain unused

·       Then the committee declares the items condemn and make further recommendations for the disposal

·       The condemn items are to be destroyed to take out them from the register of inventory

·       A written sanction of the competent authority is obtained before final disposal


Taken Measures before Condemnation

·       Transferred the surplus material to other hospitals where these may be required

·       Try to offer to manufacturer and supplier for buy back

·       The material can be sold by inviting tender

·       Open auction of items through authorized auctioneers


Needs of Condemnation

·       To remove from stock and to destroy perished items

·       To remove the items which are beyond the scope of economical repairs

·       To remove the items from the institution

·       To follow the practice of clean and healthy environment


Video Description

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