Concept of Personnel Management



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·       Personnel management is the part of an organization that deals with the human resource

·       It refers to the Planning, Organizing, integration, maintenance and compensation of the workforce that is contributing to organizational goals

·       It is concerned with the employees at work and their relationship within the organization


Functions of PM

·       Manpower Planning

o   It generally deals with the putting

§  Right number of peoples

§  Right type of peoples

§  At right time & place

§  & doing right things to achieve the organizational goals

o   Manpower planning involves the following steps

§  Analyze the current available manpower

§  Make future manpower requirement

§  Develop the employment Programme

§  Design the training for selected employees

o   Importance of Manpower Planning can be stated as

§  Key to managerial function

§  Helps in efficient utilization

§  Motivation

§  Better human relationship

§  Higher Productivity

·       Recruitment

o   It refers to the process of

§  Attracting

§  Short listing

§  Selecting

§  & Appointing suitable candidates for the vacant posts on contractual or permanent basis

o   It can be classified into 2 major categories

§  Internal Recruitment

·       Transfer

·       Promotion

·       Ex-employees

§  External Recruitment

·       Advertisement

·       Educational Institute

·       Employment at factory gate

·       Employment agencies

·       Labor contractors etc.

·       Selection

o   A process of putting right person the right job

o   A procedure of matching organizational requirements with the qualification and skill of the applying candidates

o   It is different from recruitment because

§  Recruitment motivates more peoples to apply for the job and results in the creation of a pool of applicants and it is just a sourcing of data

§  Selection removes the inappropriate candidates and chose the best candidate giving best abilities, knowledge & skills as per the requirement of the job

§  Recruitment precedes the selection in Staffing process

o   Selection process involves the following steps

§  Preliminary Interviews

§  Written test

§  Employment Interviews

§  Medical Examination

§  Appointment Letter

·       Training of Employees

o   It is the process of advancing & enhancing the

§  Skills

§  Capabilities

§  & Knowledge of employees to do a specific job

o   It enhances the thinking of employees and results in the quality of performance

o   The benefits of employees training involves

§  Improves morale of employees

§  Less supervision

§  Fewer accidents

§  Increase promotion chances

§  Increase in the productivity

o   The training of employee can be done by the following methods

§  On job training

§  Off job training


Importance of HRM in Hospitals

·       HR managers in a hospital settings are completely responsible for the sufficient availability of workforce in a hospital includes

o   Administrative Staff

o   Clinical Staff

o   Patient Services

·       HR managers keep running the hospital operations smoothly by supplying the skilled workforce on time

·       They ensures the availability of proper manpower to meet the need of organization and patients

·       They distribute the employees in Clinical & Non-Clinical departments in a proper ratio to balance both the teams

·       Responsible for ethical and compliance in a hospital and handles ethical matter across the whole departments of an organization

·       The main roles of a HR includes

o   Resources distribution

o   Welfare & Safety

o   Legal & Compliances

o   Ethical & Disciplinary actions

o   Advertisement, Recruitment, Training, Appraisal and development

o   Maintain the culture of the company

o   Motivate the hospital staff

·       Major challenges for a HR in a hospital are

o   Recruitment

o   Shortages

o   Turnover

o   Retention

o   Staff health safety

o   Privacy



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