Community Participation


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·       Community is a social entity that is made up of peoples or families having the below mentioned characteristic’s

o    Living in the same geographical area

o   Share common goals

o   Similar development aspirations

o   Common leadership & tradition

o   Common system of communication

o   Sociologically & Psychologically linked

·       Community Participation is process under which a community

o   Mobilizes its resources

o   Initiate responsibilities for its own development

o   Take responsibilities for its own development

o   Share in decision making for the implementation of all development programmes to improve health status

·       AIMS of Community Participation includes

o   The development of community self reliance

o   Development of critical awareness in the community

o   Development of problem solving skills


Community Participation Types & Dimensions

·       Types

o   Passive (Individual and families are only the audiences)

o   Active (Community peoples involves in the task but not in the decision making)

o   Involvement (Community peoples involved in all aspects i.e., thinking, planning, acting & evaluating)

·       Dimensions

o   Involvement

o   Mass contribution

o   Benefits sharing


Factors Affecting Community Participation

o   Relevance & Accountability

o   Education status

o   Infrastructure of the community

o   Economic factors

o   Social & Cultural factors

o   Intersectoral collaboration

o   Political stability

o   Leadership, motivation & sense of ownership

o   Available resources


Process of Community Participation

o   Analysis of need & requirement

o   Designing of Programme as per the need

o   Create awareness in the community about the Programme

o   Generating interest in the peoples for the Programme

o   Leave the Programme to the care of peoples with aided guidance

o   Occasionally follow up to sort out any problem


Limitations of Community Participation

o   Participation doesn’t occur automatically

o   Participation leads to decentralization

o   Can develop dependency syndrome

o   Results in the shifting of burden into poor

o   It involves time


Video Description

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