Collective Bargaining



          Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       Collective Bargaining refers to the negotiation and discussion between the two parties

o   An Employer or Association of Employers

o   Labor Union

·       In the process of collective bargaining both the parties agrees upon the conditions of the work on mutual bases


History, Objectives & Characteristics of CB

·       History

o   Campaigned for the work timings, 8hrs/day by Ana Nurse(1934)

o   Presentation of Nurses concern in the front of Labor Board (1941)

o   California Nurses Association became the first Nurses association to represent nurses (1946)

·       Objectives

o   To resolve issues between employers & employees

o   To protect the interest of workers

o   To negotiate on voluntarily basis

o   To achieve a Win-Win situation by give & take process

o   To have peaceful existence of mutual benefits

o   To maintain a good relation between employer & employees

·       Characteristics

o   Collective

o   Strengthen

o   Voluntary

o   Formal

o   Flexible

o   Improvement

o   Representation

o   Dynamic

o   Continuous


Types & Issues of CB

·       Types

o   Conjunctive/Distributive (One side win & One side loose)

o   Cooperative/Integrative (Both sides win)

o   Productive (Employer offers to rise the pay in exchange with the modification of working process to increase the productivity)

o   Composite (Workers demands to rise in pay as well as demands the equity in working norms, employment levels, marinating standards & environmental hazards)

·       Issues

o   Wages

o   Working conditions & norms

o   Job security & Incentives

o   Change in technology

o   Transfers & Promotions

o   Grievances & Disciplinary methods

o   Insurance & Benefits

o   Union recognition, activities & responsibilities

o   Management rights


Procedure, Benefits & Limitations of CB

·       Procedure

o   Prepare

o   Discuss

o   Propose

o   Bargain

o   Settlement

·       Benefits

o   Participation in decision making

o   Questioning to the manger

o   Control of practices

o   Gives economic security

o   Establish effective communication channel with top management

o   Promotion of professionalism

·       Limitations

o   Decrease individuality

o   Other union members can outvote one’s decision

o   Disputes not remains in the boundary of a manager & a worker

o   Have to pay union dues even if one does not support unionization


Always Remember this during CB

·     Do not hurry

·     Clearly set your objectives

·     Always discuss with your subordinates

·     Be prepared with facts

·     Keep some flexibility

·     Be a good listener

·     Control your emotions & use them as a tool


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