

Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       Census can be defined as the process of

o   Collecting

o   Compiling

o   Evaluating

o   Analyzing

o   & Publishing demographic, economic and social data at a specific period of time.

·       It is a well organized, official and complete count of the country or group of peoples.


Salient Features of Census

o   Individual enumeration

§  Census used to record some important characteristics of each individual person separately like

·       Sex

·       Age

·       Marital status

·       Literacy

·       Economic activity

o   Universality within a defined territory

§  Ideally a Census should cover entire territory and all people resident places

o   Simultaneity

§  Census is taken of a given day to avoid and duplication in census

o   Defined periodicity

§  Census should be taken at regular intervals of time to make the information available in a fixed sequence


Uses of Census

·       Primary source of basic national population data

·       Required for administrative purpose

·       Used in economic and social planning and research

·       To know the trends of many aspects such as

o   Population growth

o   Change in Age & Sex structure of the population

o   Course of Mortality, fertility, migration and urbanization


Census Techniques

·       De Facto Method

o   Peoples are counted in place where they are found

o   Government declares fixed date as a census day

o   All peoples are pre informed of counting

o   Followed by India up to the 1931 census

·       De Jure Method

o   Conducted on the basis of permanent place of residence

o   Considered more practical and scientific

o   Census period is define and counting is completed within this period

o   Period is generally of 2 to 3 weeks


Information Covered In Census

·    Geographical

o   Usual place of residence

o   Place of birth

o   Duration of residence

o   Place of work

·    Economical

o   Occupation

o   Industry

o   Employment

o   Source of livelihood

·    Personal

o   Age

o   Sex

o   Marital Status

o   Cast

o   Literacy

o   Religion


Video Description

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