Virtual Reality



Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop..


·       It refers to the feeling of Virtual (imaginary) world rather than the real one.

·       The virtual world is a pretended world which is running in a computer.

·       Generally virtual term is used for the 3D environment of computer that allows the users to enter and interact with the alternate realities.


Types of Virtual Realty

1)    Immersive Virtual Reality

a.      It is a perception of being physically present in a non-physical world and causes the Immersion of a Human being into virtual reality

b.     Some elements increase the Immersiveness of the experience such as

·  Continuity of surroundings

·  Freedom of movement

·  Physical interaction

·  Physical feedback

2)    Non-Immersive Virtual Reality

a.      Having large display

b.     Does not surround the users

3)    Window on World Virtual Reality

a.      It is a desktop based virtual reality.

b.     It displays a 3-dimensional virtual on the display of desktop without using any specialized movement.


Hardware Device in Virtual Reality

1)    Input Devices

a.      Prio VR

b.     Razer Hydra

c.      Leap Motion

d.     Stem

e.      Magic Wand

f.      Control VR

2)    Output Devices

a.      Headset

b.     3D Audio

c.      Sensing Gloves

d.     Helsinki


Applications of Virtual Reality

·       In Military training program

·       To improve the quality of Imaging services in healthcare.

·       To Increase the quality of education system by using 3D models.

·       To increase the accuracy in science modules.

·       To boost the entertainment industry.

·       Robotics & Gaming.


Benefits & Drawbacks of Virtual Reality

·       The advantages or benefits of VR includes

o   It creates a realistic world..

o   It enables the users to explore the places.

o   User can experiment with the artificial environment.

o   Make the education more practical and real..

·       The main disadvantages or drawbacks includes

o   Expensiveness of VR devices.

o   Presence of a complex technology.

o   We can’t move by our own, like in the real world..


Video Description

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