Video Conferencing



Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       Video conferencing is a vehicle of interactive communication which enables one set of peoples to see and hear peoples who are present in a different and distance location.

·       Basically it is the transmission of Image (video) and Speech (audio) between two or more physically separated persons at different location.

·       It is also known as “Video teleconference”.

·       Basic features of video conferencing includes

§  A straight forward approach

§  Can be made locally, nationally or across the world.


Components of Video Conferencing

·       Camera (to capture and send the video)

·       Microphone (to capture and send the audio)

·       Speakers (to play the received audio)

·       Monitor (to play the received video)

·       Codec (receive, compress and digitalize the analog signals)


Types of Video Conferencing

·       Point to Point

o   A video conference that connects two locations

o   Each site sees and hears the other sites at all the times

·       Multi Point

o   A video conference that connects more than two sites through the use of a multi point control unit (MCU) or video hub.

o   All the participants can hear one another at all the times and can see the site that is currently speaking.


Uses of Video Conferencing

·       Business meets

·       E- meetings

·       V-Chatting with friends

·       Family talk

·       Consultation with doctors

·       NEWS etc.


Benefits & Limitations of Video Conferencing

·       The benefits of video conferencing includes

o   Improves the quality of work

o   Reduce the cost

o   Improves the communication

o   Increase the frequency of meet

o   Can conduct critical meetings in less time

o   Number of persons can be added without the need of any space..

·       The limitations of video conferencing includes

o   Difficulty in seeing & hearing the peoples who are not close enough to the camera & microphone.

o   Lack of personal interaction..

o   Body language can be lost if the movement is jerky.

o   Not suitable for camera shy persons


Video Description 

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