Statistics role in the measurement of Burden of Diseases


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·       For many years the health was measured in terms of mortality based indicators only, means the measurement of how many people died and why?

·       Although mortality based indicators are useful but they do not provide all the information which is necessary to assess the health of a population.

·       Measurement of BOD gives a fuller account of the health of a population because they include estimation of morbidity as well as mortality.



·     BOD is the burden that a particular disease process has in a particular area as measured by the cost, morbidity and mortality.

·     It is quantified by SMPH (Summary Measures of Population Health).


Effects of BOD

·       Personal

o   Human Body

o   Mental & Emotional

o   Working nature

·       Societal

o   Economy

o   Productivity

o   Education

o   Healthcare System

o   Community Development


Uses of BOD

·       To compare the population health across communities.

·       To mark that which disease, injury or risk factor contributes the most to poor health in a specific population.

·       To assess that which information are missing, uncertain or of low quality.


BOD Measurement methods & techniques

·       Sullivan’s Index (Disability Free Life Expectancy)

o   Introduces by Daniel F Sullivan in 1971

o   It combines the death rates with the illness rates.

o   It can be calculated by using this formula

§  = (Life Expectancy) – (Probable Disability duration)

·       QALY

o   It is the Quality Adjusted Life Years.

o   It is used in the economic evaluation of the medical interventions and also by the insurance companies.

o   It assumes that a year of life lived in perfect health is worth 1QALY and hence,

§  1QALY = (1Year of Life) x (1Utility)

·       DALY

o   It is the Disability Adjusted Life Years

o   Using DALYs, the global burden was measured in 1990 and projections were developed to 2020 for the first time.

o   DALY = YLL + YLD

§  YLL (Years of Life Lost due to premature Death)

§  YLD (Year of Life Lived with Disability)

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