

Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       A questionnaire is a means of evoke out the

o   Beliefs

o   Feelings

o   Experiences

·       Or a data collecting instrument that can be structured or unstructured.


Factors Affecting Questionnaire

·       Length of questionnaire

·       Quality & design of questionnaire

·       Extent to which a respondent believes that his/her responses are important

·       Complexity of the question asked

·       Reputation of the sponsoring agency


Types of Questionnaire

·       Unrestricted type

o   Calls for free response

o   There is predetermined set of response

o   Gives true, insightful and unexpected suggestions

·       Restricted type

o   Gives choices to the respondent to choose any one option as an answer

o   Facilitates efficient tracking of opinion

o   One of the best example are MCQs


Structure of a Questionnaire

·       Opening (Awakening the interest of respondent in the topic)

·       Early Questions (Simple, friendly, easy and theme conveying questions should be in the starting)

·       Middle Questions (Ask the target questions)

·       Late Questions (Questions about his/her name, age etc)

·       Closing (Build relation, keep scope for future meet, show gratitude and leave on a positive note)


Characteristics of a Good Questionnaire

·       Deals with a significant topic

·       Seeks to obtain that information which can not be obtained by other resources

·       Short, attractive, neat and clear

·       Directions are clear and complete

·       Easy to tabulate and interpret.


Methods of Administration of Questionnaire

·       Postal (low cost & not in labor intensive)

·       Phone (high speed & high respondent rate)

·       Electronic (low cost & high speed)

·       Personally Administered (detailed questions & high response rate)


Issues or Limitations of a Questionnaire

·       Not suitable for all

·       Mailed questions can be filled by someone

·       Provide superficial information

·       High chances of misinterpretations

·       Peoples can lie

Video description 

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