Probability & Frequency of Distribution



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·       Probability is the measure of how likely a event will occur.

·       A number that express the ratio of favorable cases to the whole number of cases possible.

·       For an example, the chances of a coin landing on heads is 50% because a coin has two sides, so there is 50% chance that the coin will land on tails and 50% that a coin will land on heads.

·       Probability of event to happen P(E) = Number of favorable outcomes/ Total Number of outcomes


Sample Question to Calculate the Probability

Situation: - There is a container full of coloured bottles, red, blue, green and orange. Some of the bottles are picked out and displaced. Sumit did this 1000 times and got the following results

  • No. of blue bottles picked out: 300
  • No. of red bottles: 200
  • No. of green bottles: 450
  • No. of orange bottles: 50


a)      What is the probability that Sumit will pick a green bottle?

Ans: For every 1000 bottles picked out, 450 are green.

Therefore, P(green) = 450/1000 = 0.45


b)     If there are 100 bottles in the container, how many of them are likely to be green?

Ans: The experiment implies that 450 out of 1000 bottles are green.

Therefore, out of 100 bottles, 45 are green.


Application of Probability

·       Risk Assessment

·       Gambling

·       Trading Decisions

·       Entitlement Analysis

·       Financial Regulations

·       Pricing

·       Insurance sector

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Frequency of Distribution


·       Frequency of distribution is a table that displays the frequency of various outcomes in a sample.

·       It shows us a summarized grouping of data divided into mutually exclusive classes and the number of occurrences in a class.

         To represent the frequency of distribution some of the graphs can be used like

§  Histogram

§  Line charts

§  Bar charts

§  Pie charts


1)     Relative frequency distribution

·       Where each of the class frequencies is divided by the total number of observations

2)    Cumulative frequency distribution

·       Sum of the class and all classes below it in a frequency distribution

·       In simple words, you are adding up a value and all of the values that came before it.


Sample Question to Calculate the Frequency of Distribution

Example: A survey was taken on Maple Avenue. In each of 20 homes, people were asked how many cars were registered to their households. The results were recorded as follows:

3, 1, 4, 0, 2, 1, 5, 2, 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2.

Present this data in Frequency Distribution Table.

Also, find the maximum number of cars registered by household.

Solution: Divide the number of cars (x) into intervals, and then count the number of results in each interval (frequency).

Thus creating the frequency Distribution Table


Number of Cars















Thus, from the table, it is clear that the 6 household has 2 cars.

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