Majorly used software's in healthcare


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The majorly used software in the field of healthcare are

·     Medical Information System

·     Electronic Medical Record

·     Health System Management

·     Public Health and Bio Surveillance

·     Medical Practice Management Software

·     Imaging & Visualization

·     Dental Management & Patient Record

·     Research


1)    Medical Information System

a.      It is a web based system for the storage and analysis of the patient data.

b.     It is an open source data management system that integrates research with patient care.

c.      It is freely distributed to promote the collection of standard and well structured data suitable for research.

2)    Electronic Medical Record

a.      It is an open source and practice management application of EMR.

b.     It is fully integrates the

                                                    i.     EMR

                                                  ii.     Practice Management

                                                iii.     Scheduling

                                                iv.     Electronic Billing

                                                  v.     Internationalization

3)    Health System Management

a.      It is a highly flexible & open source MIS and data warehouse.

b.     It covers the

                                                    i.     Aggregated routine data

                                                  ii.     Semi permanent data

1.     Staffing

2.     Equipment

3.     Infrastructure

                                                iii.     Audit data

                                                iv.     Patient based data

4)    Public Health and Bio Surveillance

a.      Public domain statistical software for epidemiology, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

b.     It is in the existence for over 20 yrs and is currently available for the Microsoft Windows.

c.      It allows the electronic surveys, data entry and analysis of

                                                    i.     T-tests

                                                  ii.     ANOVA

                                                iii.     Non parametric statistics

                                                iv.     Cross tabulation

                                                  v.     Odds ratio

                                                vi.     Risk ratio

5)    Medical Practice Management Software

a.      It covers the major areas of practice operations including

                                                    i.     Scheduling

                                                  ii.     Billing

                                                iii.     EMR

b.     It also offers the tools like

                                                    i.     E-Prescription

                                                  ii.     Drug Interactions

                                                iii.     E-Labs

                                                iv.     Lab Ordering

c.      It is the largest open source healthcare solution.

6)    Imaging & Visualization

a.      It is written for the visualization of

                                                    i.     Tomography data

                                                  ii.     Electron microscopy data

                                                iii.     Radiology data

b.     The main aim is to ease the understanding of the data for the assistance of research

c.      By the help of MRI & CT equipment's, the software generates virtual 3D models corresponds to the anatomical parts of the human body.

7)    Dental Management & Patient Record

a.      First open dental management package with very broad capabilities on record management.

b.     Help to maintain the dental patients record in the electronic format..

c.      Previously known as Practice management software.

8)    Research

a.      It is a free open source for the scientists to

                                                    i.     Integrate

                                                  ii.     Analyze

                                                iii.     & to share the Bio medical research data.

b.     It provides a secure & web based access to the research data.

c.      It includes a customizable data processing pipeline.

d.     It allows web based querying, reporting and collaborating across a range of data sources.


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