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·       A process of social influence that creates a way for peoples to contribute in making something extraordinary or achieving a task/goal.

·       Or in simple words we can say

o   Leading peoples

o   Influencing peoples

o   Commanding peoples

o   Guiding peoples


Characteristics of Leadership

·       Leader must have followers

·       A leader influence his followers willingly not by force

·       Leadership is exercised in a given situation

·       Purpose is to achieve some common goals

·       It is a working relationship between a leader and his followers


Traits & factors of Leadership

·       Traits

o   Surgency (extroversion)

o   Conscientiousness (personal integrity)

o   Agreeableness (cheerful & optimistic)

o   Adjustment (self control)

o   Intellectance (learning oriented)

·       Factors

o   Leader

o   Follower

o   Communication

o   Situation


Leadership Styles

·       Autocratic

o   Leaders makes the decision without reference to anyone

o   Valuable in the emergency type situations

o   Can cause de-motivation and alienation of the staff

·       Democratic

o   Encourages decision making from different perspective and the leadership emphasised throughout the organisation

o   Consultative nature (Consultation before decision)

o   Persuasive nature (Leader take the decision and seeks to persuade others that the decision is correct)

·       Free Reign

o   Leadership responsibility shared by all

o   Useful in businesses where creative ideas are important

o   Time consuming and lacking in overall direction


Theories of Leadership

·       Trait Theory

o   Leaders were born with inherent physiological and personality traits like

§  Age

§  Height

§  Intelligence

§  Academic achievement

o   Stogdill in 1974 marks some general characteristics that differentiate a leader from a non-leader

§  Capacity

§  Achievements

§  Responsibility

§  Participation & Involvement

§  Socio economic status

·       Behavioural Theory

o   Role theory

§  Always remember that the assumption about a leader are shaped by

·       Culture

·       Training sessions

·       Modelling by seniors

§  Leader defines the roles for themselves and others

§  Leader form expectations about the roles that they & followers will play

§  Leader encourages others to act within the role expectations

o   Managerial grid

§  Managers have two different leadership styles

·       Concern for production (manager who is task oriented) X-axis managers

·       Concern for people (manager who is team oriented) Y-axis managers

·       Contingency Theory

o   The success of the leader is a result of various contingencies in the form of

§  Subordinates

§  Tasks

§  Group variables

o   Leaders who are very successful at one place may be unsuccessful at another place because of the change in factors around them

o   Best example is Dr. Manmohan Singh as a finance minister and as a Prime minister

·       Situational Theory  

o   Successful leaders used different leadership styles instead of a single type of styles in different situation.

o   The style of the leadership depends on the

§  Maturity of the person

§  Details of the task

o   With the help of this theory, leaders should be able to place more or less emphasis on the task.


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