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·       It is a process of communication or interaction in which the interviewee gives the needed information verbally.

·       It is generally associated with counselling or psychotherapy.

·       It is used to collect useful information about individuals in many research situations.


Types of Interview

·       On the Basis of Purpose

o   Research Interview

§  Used as a tool to gather data needed by the researchers

§  Helps to test the hypothesis

§  Solve the problem of historical, experimental or clinical type of research

o   Clinical Interview

§  Used as  tool to gather the information in

·       Clinical work

·       Social work

·       Psychiatrist work

§  The major purposes of interview are diagnosis & treatment

·       On the Basis of Structure

o   Structured Interview

§  Having procedure in a standard format

§  Always determined in advance of the interview

§  Same questions are presented in same order to each interviewee

§  Impose a degree of formality

§  Interviewer has no freedom to

·       Rephrase the questions

·       Add extra ones

·       Change the sequence

o   Unstructured Interview

§  It provide greater flexibility

§  Interviewer is largely free to arrange the form and timings of the questions

§  Interviewer has freedom to

·       Rephrase the questions

·       Add extra ones

·       Change the sequence

·       On the Basis of Design

o   Individual Interview

§  A situation in which an interviewer may interview one individual at one time

§  It is goal driven & controlled in nature

§  Time consuming and costly for an organization

o   Focus Group Interview

§  A method to collect information by interviewing collective individuals in a group

§  The size of the group should neither be too small nor too large

§  Uncontrolled & unbalanced in nature

§  Saves time & cost effective in nature


Guidelines for Interview Questions

·       Must be conversational & easy for the participants

·       Focus on getting the information that directly relates to the objective of the research study

·       Use open ended questions

·       Avoid questions that can be answered with a YES or NO

·       Avoid the questions having WHY

·       Always use “think back” questions


Merits of Interview

·       Access to the quick information

·       Flexibility

·       Proper Interpretation

·       High response rate

·       Possibility of in-depth probing

·       Easy to observe the respondent confidence


Limitations of Interview

·       Interviewees can give wrong information because of the fear of identity

·       Costly and time consuming

·       Can be easily affected by tiredness and hurry conditions with the Interviewees

·       Offers less anonymity

·       Less effective for sensitive questions

·       May record the responses differently upon there own interpretations sometimes.


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