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·       A network of computers that links different types of computer all around the world.

·       It is a very large WAN (Wide Area Network) that connect computers.

·       It makes possible to connect millions of peoples around the globe with the help of mobiles, cable lines and satellites.


Concept & Services of Internet

·       The Internet was born in 1960s and has its root in the ARPANET.

·       ARPANET (Advance Research Project Agency) is the department of US defence which linked the mainframe computers to form a communication network.

·       The basic services of internet are

o   Electronic mail

o   Telnet

o   FTP

o   Usenet

o   World Wide Web


Hardware & Software requirements

·       Hardware

o   Modem

o   NIC (Network Interface Card)

o   Dongle

o   Wi-Fi

o   Electronic device with cellular support

o   Dial-up connection

·       Software

o   Operating System supporting TCP/IP/SMTP/FTP/HTTP/HTTPS protocols

o   Browsers having access to the web applications such as

§  Outlook

§  G-mail

§  Whatsapp

§  Facebook

§  Twitter etc.


Types of Internet Connections

Internet connections have a wide range and every type can access to the internet with their own speed and range that can be use for various purposes.

·       Dial-Up Connection

o   It is established between your computer and the ISP server by the use of modem.

o   It is a cheap and traditional connection.

o   Mostly it is not preferred because of its slow connectivity.

·       Broadband Connection

o   It refers to the high speed internet connection.

o   It is established with the help of

§  Coaxial cable

§  Optical fiber

§  Twisted pair cable etc.

o   It allows more than one users to connect with the network at a time.

·       DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

o   It is a form of broadband connection that is connected by the help of telephone line.

o   It is always on and there is no need to dial-Up a phone number to connect.

o   A DSL connection can translate data at 5 million bytes/second.

·       Satellite Connection

o   It is mainly offered in rural areas where broadband connection is not yet offered.

o   The signals travel from earth to satellite and back again to provide internet connection.

o   This connection speeds range from 512k to 2.0Mbps.

·       Wireless Connection

o   It does not use telephone lines or cables to connect to the internet.

o   It uses the radio frequency to connect to the internet.

o   It is easily accessible and speed ranges from 5Mbps to 20Mbps.

·       Cellular

o   It provides the wireless internet connection through mobile phones.

o   The speed varies according to the type of connection means 3G, 4G or 5G.

o   The current speed of 4G networks is about 21Mbps.

·       ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network)

o   It is a circuit switched telephone network system.

o   It can transmit the voice and data over a digital line.

o   It gives maximum speed of 128kbit/s both in Up & Down stream.


Internet Advantages

·     Communication

·     Research

·     Education

·     Financial transactions

·     For Updates etc.

Internet Disadvantages

·      Information theft.

·      Spamming

·      Malware threats

·      Social isolation

·      Obesity

·      Depression etc.



·       It is a network device that enables a computer to transfer the data from telephone line to the computer and vice versa.

·       The main function of modem is to perform

o   Modulation (Digital signals to Analog signals)

o   Demodulation (Analog signals to Digital signals)

·       The modems are basically of two types

o   Internal modems (Add on card that can plug into expansion slot of computer)

o   External modems (connect to the computer by RS-232 cable to the serial pot)


World Wide Web

·       It is the most popular method of accessing the internet by the concept called Hypertext.

·       The hypertext documents on the internet are known as the web pages.

·       And web pages created by the use of a special language known as HTML.

§  HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

·       The hypertext is displayed on a computer or other electronic devices with reference to other text that reader can easily access.



·     E-mail also known as electronic mail in shortcut.

·     It helps to send and receive a message (mail) and it is faster than a paper mail.

·     Images, audio, video can be sent along with text.

·     Most of the e-mail on the internet uses the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).

·     And e-mail also have an address like



·       CHAT (Conversational Hypertext Access Technology) or online chat.

·       It helps peoples to exchange the text messages interactively with other people around the world.

·       Basically it is of two types

o   Synchronous Chat (that enables multiple users to be online and in the same online room typing their comments to each other).

§  Web based chat rooms

§  Real time chat

§  Internet relay chat.

o   Asynchronous Chat (Which involves the asynchronous communication{relay of information with a time lag})

§  The main disadvantage is time lost and

§  Waiting for a response.



·       A web browsers takes you anywhere on internet and it retrieves the information from other parts of the web and displays it on your desktop or mobile devices

·       It was invented in 1990 by Sir Tim Berners Lee and the name was WWW (World Wide Web).

·       Examples of some popular browsers are

§  Google

§  Chrome

§  Internet

§  Explorer

§  Firefox

§  Safari

§  Opera etc.


 Search Engines

·       It is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web.

·       It uses the keywords to search for the documents that relate to these keywords and then puts the result in order of relevance to the topic that was searched for.

·       Some famous search engines are

o   Yahoo

o   Google

o   Altavista

o   Overture

o   msn

o   Ask jeeves


Intranet Vs Extranet

·       Intranet

o   A local or restricted communication network that delivers collaboration and coordination to employees around the clock and developed by the technical staff.

o   The main focus of intranet is message not the media.

o   It can be only accessed by the authorized persons, especially organization employees.

o   It can be use for

§  Sharing company policies.

§  Sharing information of common interest.

§  Access product and customer data.

§  Submission of reports.

o   The advantages of Intranets includes

§  Fast, easy & of low cost.

§  Easy to learn and use.

§  Hypertext links.

§  Improves communication.

o   It also have some disadvantages which includes

§  Management problem

§  Security problem

§  Productivity problem

·       Extranet

o   An internet which is authorized for outside users using same internet technology.

o   It enables outsiders to work together with a company’s employees.

o   It is open to selected suppliers & customers.

o   The best example of extranet is the access of distributors to the product file.

o   The main components of extranet are

§  TCP/IP protocol

§  E-mail

§  Web browsers

o   The main advantages of extranet are

§  Improved quality

§  Lower travel costs

§  Lower administrative cost

§  Improved customer service

§  Better communication.

o   It also have some disadvantages which includes

§  Faceless contact

§  Information can be misused

§  Possibility of fraud

§  Required technical employees.


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