Information Technology (IT)



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·       The term Information Technology  refers to the combination of

§  Computer technology

·       Hardware

·       Software

§  With telecommunication technology

·       Data

·       Image

·       Voice

·       It is the use of any computers or other devices to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data.

·       It enables the globalization of the economy and caused large scale revolutions in many industries

Development of IT

·       During 1960s very few persons knows about the term IT and mostly of them belongs to the banks, hospital and other working areas which involves the storage of information.

·       After the begging of Computer & Paperless era, the IT has come to be a household phrase.

·       In 1980s the world moved into the information age and every person started using his/her own computer for work

·       By the 21st century, nearly every child in the West and other parts of the world knew how to use a personal computer.

·       Now a days the IT becomes must for every region to become grow and developed

§  Hospital sectors

§  Diagnostics setup

§  Hospitality industries

§  Corporate sectors

§  Bank regions

§  Share market

§  Export & Import etc.

Impacts of IT in Business

·       A digital age

·       Working remotely

·       Accurate decision making

·       Cloud computing

·       Innovation and collaboration

·       Reduced operating cost

·       Internal operations

·       Protecting information

·       Increased employee productivity

·       Customer support

Future of Information Technology

·       Around 61% job roles are expected to be replaced by digitalization and robotics by the end of 2025.

·       In 2016 near about 16 zettabytes of unique and fresh data was created and the amount has only been rising ever since.

·       10 billion electronic devices are likely to be connected to the web by the end of 2025.

·       Every minute a day 616 websites get launched because of the rapid growth of online business.

·        The growth and advancement of IT encouraging the youth to train themselves on technological tasks and jobs that are not envisioned yet in the world of tech just like

§  Internet of Things (IoT)

§  Machine learning

§  Quantum computing

§  Practical block chain

§  3D Printing


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