Image Processing


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·       Image processing refers to the processing of a signal in which the Input is an image and the output can be an image, characteristics or parameters related to the image.

·       After the processing of image the result will be an enhanced image or some useful information from it.

·       Nowadays image processing is one of the rapidly growing technologies.


Purpose of Image Processing

·       Visualization

·       Image Sharpening

·       Image Restoration

·       Image Retrieval

·       Measurement of Pattern

·       Image Recognition.


Types of Image Processing

·       Analogue Image Processing

·       Digital Image Processing

·       Optical Image Processing


Techniques of Image Processing

·       Geometric Transformation (simple alignments)

o   Translation

o   Rotation

o   Sealing

·       Image Smoothening (reduce noise in a digital image)

o   Low pass filtering

o   Gaussian filtering

o   Median filtering

·       Contrast Enhancement (contrasting the light, aperture size, shutter speed etc.)

o   Histogram

o   Histogram equalization


Component of Image Processing

·       Image Sensors

·       Image Displays

·       Image Processing

·       Image Processing Hardware

·       Software

·       Memory


Applications of Image Processing

·       Face detection

·       Feature detection

·       Non-photorealistic rendering

·       Medical Image Processing

·       Microscope Image Processing

·       Morphological Image Processing

·       Remote Sensing

·       Automated Sieving Procedures

·       Fingerprint Recognition.


Benefits & Drawbacks of Image Processing

·       The main advantage is accuracy than other methods because it is based upon minutia.

·       And the second one is its interactive nature to recognize the fingerprint.

·       The main drawback is the time consumption & its complex programming.


Video Description

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