Health Information System


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·       A system in which collection, analysis, utilization and transmission of information is done for conducting the health services, training and research.

·       It really meets the healthcare to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval and usage of information in health and biomedicine.

·       It is designed to collect, store, manage and transmit a patient electronic medical record (EMR).


Objectives of HIS

·       To provide reliable, latest and useful health information.

·       To amend health SOPs and working system on the basis of feedback received from HIS.

·       To provide information about periodically and time bound programs.

·       To make data available for the midterm evaluation.

·       To increase efficiency and quality in health management.


Characteristics of HIS

·       Provided information should be problem oriented.

·       Information should be population based.

·       Use of functional and directional wording.

·       Information should be short and in imaginative form like graphs, charts, tables etc.

·       Absence of unnecessary figures or data.


Flow of Information in HIS

·       Data collection

·       Data transmission

·       Data processing

·       Data analysis

·       Extraction of desired information


Sources of HIS

·       Census

·       Registration of Vital events

·       Hospital records

·       Population & Sample survey

·       School record


Importance of HIS

·       In decision making during emerging and endemic health problems.

·       In the monitoring progress towards health goals.

·       In empowering individuals and communities.

·       In improving quality of services.

·       In strengthening the evidence based health policies.

·       In enabling the innovation through research.

·       In improving the governance.

·       In mobilizing the new resources and ensuring the accountability in the way they are used.

·       In improving the governance.

·       In improving the quality of healthcare services.


Video description 

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