Group Work


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·       Always remember that “Individually, we are one drop and together, we are an ocean”

·       The group means when several peoples come together to accomplish a particular task or goal

·       And the process by which people interact in a group environment is called Group Dynamics.


Group & Teams can

·       Enhance the performance

·       Increase responsiveness to the customer

·       Increase the innovation

·       Increase the motivation

·       Increase the satisfaction


Theories of Group Development

·       Classic Theory

o   It states that the group develops on the basis of

§  Activities

§  Interactions

§  Sentiments

o   When peoples share common activities, they will have more interaction and will develop attitudes towards each other that can be negative or positive

o   Example is the relationship of a boy and a girl belongs to the same field and course

·       Social Exchange Theory

o   It states that the group develops on the basis of expectation of mutually beneficial exchanges based on trust

o   Means, a perception that exchange relationship will be positive

o   Example is the group develops between a broker and stock buyer because of the exchange of money

·       Social Identity Theory

o   It states that a person get a sense of identity and self esteem based upon their membership in salient groups

o   Nature of the group may be

§  Demographically based

§  Culturally based

§  Organizationally based

o   Example is the identity of Shri Arvind Kejriwal as the head of AAM Aadmi party.


Types of Group

·       Formal Groups

o   These groups are established by an organization to accomplish and achieve a certain goal

o   And further divided into three sub categories

§  Command groups

·       Consist of a supervisor and the subordinates.

·       Subordinates reports to the supervisor

·       Example can be the group of nurses in a hospital having nursing superintendent as a supervisor

§  Task groups

·       Group of people that work together to achieve a common task in a specific period of time

·       These groups dissociates after the achievement of the goals and reform whenever needed

·       Example can be the group of faculty members from different departments to complete the syllabus of a semester in 7days

§  Functional groups

·       Group of people that work together to achieve a common task without any specific period of time

·       These groups remain in existence after the achievement of the goals

·       Example can be the marketing team of a college or hospital

·       Informal Groups

o   These groups are develops by the employees themselves on the basis of mutual interests

o   Informal group have a strong impact on the organization and it can be

§  Positive

§  Negative

o   These groups are further divided into sub categories

§  Interest groups (forms on the basis of mutual interest)

§  Friendship groups (who enjoys similar activities and beliefs)

§  Reference groups (when peoples wants to evaluate themselves)


Stages of Group Development

§  Forming (member get to know each other and their common goal)

§  Storming (members disagree on each other views)

§  Norming (development of consensus in the member)

§  Performing (members begins to do their real work)

§  Adjourning (group dissociate after achieving the goal)


Group Characteristics

§  Goals are clearly understood

§  A team work well together

§  A feeling of belonging to the group

§  Shared sense of responsibility

§  Members communicate openly

§  Members listen and respect other views

§  Introduction of new ideas and innovation

§  Interdependent roles and responsibilities

§  Conflicts are confronted and resolved

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