Electronic Medical Records


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·       EMR is a type of patient record system which involves the

§  Collection

§  Storage

§  Manipulation

§  & make available

the clinical information important for the delivery of patient care.

·       The main aim of EMR is clinical data not the billing and finances one.


Capabilities of EMR

·       Capture the data at the point of care.

·       Integrate data from multiple sources.

·       Helps and support in decision making.


Components of EMR

·       Order Entry

·       Documentation

·       Clinical messaging & e-mail

·       Decision support

·       Data repository

·       Result reporting


Levels of Automation

·       Installed the HMIS in all major ancillary clinical system.

·       A CDR (Clinical Data Repository) stores the information from all the major ancillary clinical systems.

·       CDR storage retrieval.

·       Computerized provider order entry.

·       Implementation of

o   BCMA (Bar Code Medication Administration)

o   RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)

o   PACS (Picture Achieving Communication System)

·       Fully electronic paperless environment.


Attributes of EMR

·       Secure and reliable

·       Records and manage longitudinal information

·       Supports clinical research & trials

·       Delivery of evidence based care

·       Always capture data for

o   Quality improvement

o   Utilization review

o   Risk management

o   Resource planning

o   Performance management


Benefits of EMR

·       Improved data integrity, readable, organized and accurate.

·       Improved access to the data.

·       Decreased redundant data collection.

·       Allowed data analysis and comparison.

·       Supported automation of critical pathways and workflows.

·       Improved efficiency, eligibility and early warning of status changed.


Limitations of EMR

·       Compromise on the privacy of patient health records.

·       Required skilled persons to have error free maintenance.

·       Minimal error can lead to the bigger loss.

·       Required compatible system on board for all users.

·       Always need to have a backup plan.


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