Data Collection


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·       Data refers to the quantitative or qualitative value of a variable just like

§  Numbers

§  Images

§  Words

§  Figures

§  Facts

§  & ideas

·       Data is also known as the lowest unit of information through which other measurement and analysis can be done.

·       Data is one of the most important and vital aspect of any research study.


Sources of Data

·     Internal Sources

o   When the information is collected from the inside resources.

o   Institutions and departments have information about their regular functions for their own internal purposes.

o   And when that information is used in any survey than it is called the internal source of data.

o   For an example Hospital records, Routine surveillance, Thesis etc.

·     External Sources

o   When the information is collected from the outside resources.

o   Such types of data are either

§  Primary

§  Secondary

o   For an example Census, Sample registration, Sampling etc.


Primary Data

·       Collected from first handed experiences

·       More reliable and authentic

·       Not been published anywhere

·       It has not been changed or altered by human being, therefore its validity is greater than the secondary data.

·       Methods of collecting Primary data are

o   Direct Personal Investigation (Interviewing)

o   Investigation through observation

o   Case Studies

o   Indirect Oral Investigation

o   Measurements Lab results Experimentations.

·       The benefits of Primary data includes

o   Addressing of targeted issues

o   Better data interpretation

o   Data accuracy and Greater control

·       The limitations of Primary data includes

o   Costly and time consuming

o   Required more manpower and resources

o   Training, skill and laborious


Secondary Data

·       It is already been collected by others

·       Examples include

o   Journals

o   Research Publications

o   Official Records etc

·       Methods of collecting Secondary data are

o   International Journals

o   Governments Publications

o   Public Records

o   Historical and statistical documents

·       The benefits of Secondary data includes

o   Quick and Cheap

o   Wide geographical area range

o   Leading to primary data

·       The limitations of Secondary data includes

o   Poor accuracy

o   Not up to date

o   Poor accessibility in some cases

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