Components of Management


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·       The management scientists explain 5 major components or functions of management

o   Planning

o   Organizing

o   Staffing

o   Controlling

o   Coordinating



·       The planning component helps to fill the gap between two major questions

o   Where we are?

o   Where we want to be?

·       Planning helps in advance to find the answer of these questions

o   What to do?

o   Why to do?

o   Where to do?

o   Who will do?

o   How to do?

o   When to do?

·       The importance of Planning can be seen as

o   Provide directions

o   Reduces the risk of uncertainty

o   Promote innovative ideas

o   Facilitates decision making

o   Establish standards for controlling

·       The main features of Planning are

o   Pervasive

o   Continuous

o   Futuristic

o   Mental exercise

o   First step of management



·       It is a process of management which involves

o   Identification of tasks

o   Grouping of tasks

o   Defining the responsibilities

o   Delegating the authorities

o   & Establishing the relationships to increase the working efficiency of employees

·       The importance of Organizing can be seen as

o   Reap the benefit of specialization

o   Provide optimum utilization of resources

o   Results in effective administration

o   Expansion and growth

o   Scope for new change



·       A function of management that involves the hiring of manpower in the various departments to build an organization

·       The process of Staffing involves the 6 basic steps

o   Analysing manpower requirement & Advertisement

o   Recruitment

o   Selection

o   Placement

o   Training & Development

o   Performance appraisal

·       The importance of Staffing can be seen as

o   Filling the vacant positions

o   Developing the competency by training

o   Retain the manpower and decreases the attrition rate

o   Ensure the optimum utilization of manpower

o   To boost the efficiency through appraisal cycle



·       A function of management that involves the

o   Monitoring the performance

o   Taking actions to ensure the desired results

o   Ensuring that the right things happen in right way and at the right time

·       The important features of Controlling are

o   Strategic

o   Result oriented

o   Future oriented

o   Flexible

o   Dynamic

·       The process of Controlling involves

o   Establish objectives & standards

o   Measure the actual performance

o   Compare the results with objective & standards

o   Taking corrective actions

·       The importance of Controlling can be seen as

o   Measure the progress

o   Uncover the deviations

o   Indicate the corrective actions

o   Policy verification

o   Managerial Accountability



·       It is a method of keeping the team together by ensuring the allocation of working activities to the various members and seeing that these are performed in a proper format among the members themselves

·       The main purpose of Coordinating is to secure the harmony of action or team work

·       The important features of Coordinating are

o   Essence of management

o   A basic responsibility

o   Unity is the heart of coordination

o   Required group efforts not an individual one

o   Necessary at all level of organization

·       The principles of Coordinating involves

o   Personal contact

o   Self coordination

o   Clear cut objectives

o   Effective communication

o   Supervision

·       The importance of Coordinating can be seen as

o   Always work in the complex operations

o   Avoid clash of interests

o   Create unity of direction and team work

o   Improve the efficiency and effectiveness

o   Decrease the chances of potential conflicts

Video Description

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